Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting May 23rd

Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, May 23, 2024

Attendees: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Bert Van Der Hulst, Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom

  1. Welcome to new Board Members - Ed

    Ed welcomed all new Board members.

  2. Review of new Organizational Structure - Ed

    Ed reviewed the organizational structure as attached to By-Law No. 1 passed at the AGM. In particular Ed noted the goals of:

    (i) having the various tasks all listed as a checklist (so not be missed) and so that members appreciate all of the roles;

    (ii) having team leaders taking on tasks to relieve some of the burden on the responsible board members; and

    (iii) building teams to support the various needs (as we are a small club with lots to do). As an example, on the latter point, there are a number of qualified people who could assist on physical plant items.

  3. Strategic Priorities Review – Ed

    Ed reviewed the highlights as follows:

    1. Ice Quality – good progress made – big thanks to Ice Team and a special thanks to Dean for establishing a strong working relationship with Bracebridge Ice team.

    2. Learn to Curl Program – very successful effort – thanks to Elaine, Leslie, Bill, Jan and others.

    3. Market Positioning – good start with benchmarking – formal Board role proposed (open Marketing and Communications position).

    4. Revenue Generating Strategy – formal Board role was proposed and is now in place.

    5. Fee structure and offerings – ongoing – Jitney fees, LTC, PF fees positioned with market.

    6. Communication Strategy – progress on Social Media – formal role proposed and has been filled since mid last season (Ahne Crawford Ridley).

  4. Finance Update / Draft 2024 - 2025 Budget – Joan

    Joan reviewed the draft Budget. The revenue numbers are based on last year’s numbers, with adjustments based on other past experiences. Expenses have been rounded up due to inflation.

    We still have $25,000 in a GIC that is renewing every three months.

    Greg suggested we add a forecast column to the ongoing financial information and Joan will do that.

  5. Key Operational Issues - Bert

    • Leaking washroom wall - need to dig out the area to see what the issue is. Bert will review with Barry Vanclieaf in the near future.

    • 700 Volt service upgrade – Bert to contact the contractor to do the work that Hydro will pay for. It is the line coming in. Our existing facilities will be connected.

    • Dehumidifier noise reduction plan – Bert will find a contractor with experience to look at the noise issue (internal and external). A timer will also be considered.

    • Backflow Prevention Bylaw survey – Ed advised that we received a notice requiring a survey from the District. The District goal is to ensure water cannot be drawn from the Club into the District system. Our contractor advised we have some of the equipment and has submitted the survey. We will receive feedback from the District as to what is required and can get an idea of the cost at that time.

    • Lounge renovation update and proposed decorating committee – Ed advised that the renovations are almost complete. Ed proposed a small decorating committee to decide what goes back on the walls – to have a plan before we start marking up the walls. Some historical items could go in the ice area. Ashley Jeffery has been approached to lead the decorating committee. Linda Lacroix would be a possible member. There was agreement and Ed is to follow up with Ashley.

  6. Name Change Update – Bill

    Notice of the acceptance of the Articles of Amendment (including the name change) was received on May 21, 2024.

    Communications should be under the new name. With a note such as “formerly Baysville Curling Club or Baysville Curling and Bocce Club).”

    Various actions are now required. The following has been identified:

    1. Bank;

    2. AGCO;

    3. Township, to reflect on tax bill, loan and other records.

    4. Trillium Foundation (both grants);

    5. Insurer;

    6. CurlOn;

    7. HYDRO,

    8. Sarjeants,

    9. Orkin;

    10. LCBO;

    11. Muskoka Water and Sewer

    Bill and Joan will start the notification process. As for broader notification, Greg suggested it be tied to what is hopefully positive news on the Trillium capital grant. July 5 is when we hear on that grant application. Susan and Greg to work on that aspect including the timing for the press release.

  7. Sponsorship Program 2024 / 2025 – Greg

    Greg has met with Jim Rotz and Dean for transition. Jim and Dean will take the 20 plus existing sponsors for renewals (and potentially upgrades). Greg will consider new sponsors (and is looking for contacts from the Board). Greg to circulate the list of current sponsors. Pam will again provide back-room support.

    Consider opportunities to provide additional value to current sponsors in exchange for an additional contribution. Greg and Dean had a discussion with Lake of Bays Brewery on that point and want to bring a proposal to LOB Brewery. Questions for the Board to consider on this:

    • Do we believe we have assets to monetize? If so, what are these - lounge, kitchen, ice sheets, locker rooms, bocce courts, scoreboards, the building itself.

    • How much to charge for these?

    • Length of term of the agreement?

    • Who would qualify? Must be or become an existing sponsor first?

    Greg will circulate further thoughts for consideration at the next meeting.

  8. Grants – Greg

    • Trillium Resilient Communities Award – has been awarded. $23,000. Have until September 2025 to spend in accordance with the categories listed in the award. $7,500 to do an AODA assessment. $4,800 for website upgrade. $500 for facilitator fee for a strategic session. $2,100 for LTC curling equipment. $7,200 for internal equipment such as TV, laptop…

      Greg and Joan to track the spending and report. Under that, Suzanne and a team to lead the AODA assessment. Rich Pearce suggested as website leader (there was agreement and Ed to reach out to Rich – has accepted). Elaine and LTC team to lead on the equipment category. Joan and Bert to gather information on the TV and cabinet based on what their Church has recently purchased and lead this.

      On the website business requirements, Susan mentioned that a Directory of members should be considered.

    • Pending Grant Applications

      • Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant - $196K. For the most part it deals with bringing the club to AODA standards – vertical lift, AODA compliant washrooms, floor plan reconfigurations. Scheduled to hear on July 5, 2024.

      • Muskoka Engage Grant - $10K. To offer more family oriented programs – such as junior rocks.

  9. Candidates for Open Board & Team Leader Roles – all

    Board members to look at the list for potential candidates – Board member for marketing and communications and team leader for newsletter and team leader for health and safety. Bill to speak to Linda about continuing with the newsletter with support from Bill.

    We can also wait until curling registration and see what people indicate as their volunteer preferences.

    Under ONCA and our new by-law the Board can fill the Board vacancy for the remainder of the year.

    The team leader positions and current volunteers are as follows:

    Health and Safety - open

    Assistant Treasurer - Pamela Bowen

    Membership Administration – Kim Pearce

    Sponsorship - Greg McKenzie - team is Jim Rotz, Dean Beaudry and Pamela Bowen

    Fundraising - Marilyn Mathany

    Rentals - Patty Smith

    Surf & Turf - Cathy Vanclieaf

    Grant Applications - Suzanne David

    Building Maintenance - Dana Pearson

    Ice Team - Dean Beaudry

    Kitchen Services - Cathy Hoare

    Bar Services - Paul MacLennan

    Learn to Curl - Elaine Rowlands and Lesley Patterson

    Practice First - Michael Davis-Burchat and Alan Bowen

    Bocce Leader - Ed Mathany

    Social Media - Ahne Crawford-Ridley

    Website - Rich Pearce

    Newsletter - open

  10. Bocce Program 2024 - Cathy / Ed

    Still some availability on both Wednesday and Thursday nights.

    Dave and Nancy Parsons will co-ordinate Wednesday. Ed will do Thursday.

    We will need a new overall Bocce leader for next year as this is Ed’s last year.

    Ed to look for someone to cut the grass during the season.

    Ed and Cathy discussed a bocce tournament as a fund raiser and will consider further.

  11. Communications from the Board – Bill

    Nothing currently required to go out to members.

    Social Media Post

    Ed to have Ahne post bocce registration on social media.

    Future Meetings

    Thursday June 27, 2024 9:00 am

    Thursday August 8, 2024 9:00 am

  12. Adjournment

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