Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting June 27th
Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, June 27, 2024
Attendees: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Bert Vanderhulst (for item 1), Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom
Operations Update - Bert
Leaking washroom wall - work has been done. A crack in the wall was discovered. It has been sealed and delta board added to assist in keeping the water away. Further work is required on the surface for drainage. A foot mat will be purchased to assist in keeping the gravel out of the Club.
700 Volt service upgrade – Bert to co-ordinate with the contractor to do the work that Hydro will pay for. Apparently, the contractor is waiting for parts. It is the line coming in. Our existing facilities will be connected
Dehumidifier noise reduction plan – Bert will speak to Terry with a view to finding a contractor with experience to look at the noise issue (internal and external). A timer will also be considered.
Backflow Prevention Bylaw survey – Glen Dawson (plumber) did our review and advised we have some of the equipment and has submitted the survey. We will receive feedback from the District as to what further work is required and can get an idea of the cost at that time. There are many properties that Glen Dawson and the District are dealing with and we are not a priority.
Financial Review - Joan
Joan reviewed the comparative Statement of Financial Position and the Profit and Loss vs. Actual statement and as provided.
The GIC has been renewed. With funds expected from the Riverfront Group the cash flow should be sufficient without those funds.
The budgeted amount for repairs ($17,000) will be increased given the leaking wall work and the costs of the lounge renovations.
There was a discussion on purchasing a used electric battery operated scraper as proposed by Dean. $3,500 plus HST. This will be a big benefit to our volunteer ice team and should be beneficial to the ice quality. Joan advised that funds from Surf and Turk will be in excess of the budgeted amount to cover or assist with this cost. Purchase approved (Joan and Bill abstained). Dean to check on warranties.
Website Update - Ed
Ed, Greg, Susan and Rich Pearce have checked what other clubs are using. Looking to buy an off the shelf package with features such as member self-managing their information, email lists etc. There are two well known packages. Rich is taking the lead and Greg is assisting. Rich is speaking to CurlOn to start and then will speak further
with the area clubs and will come up with a recommendation. Cost has not yet been determined but it is expected that the resilient communities grant will be sufficient.
Joan and Ed are hopeful this process will also enable us to consolidate our payment process for membership and events.
There was a discussion on new domain name to reflect name change. was proposed and approved. It is available at $15.99 for the first year and then increasing. Susan was able to confirm that such name was available.
Rich will also look at our internet service and see if fibre optics is available. A land line will also be considered at the time, for safety reasons.
Greg and Kim Pearce have met with Anna for transition. Also met with Cathy to define the roles and co-ordination between the two functions (Membership and Curling). Now working on benchmarks for fee structure and fees for the Board to consider.
Greg discussed membership growth as a priority. It is tied to keeping membership fees affordable (or making them more affordable). Kim and Greg will come up with some ideas for discussion. A dedicated discussion will be held with Greg and Kim leading it.
Revenue Generation and Sponsorship Update – Greg
Jim and Dean are taking the 20 plus existing sponsors for renewals (and potentially upgrades). Pam will again some back-room support. Greg will consider new sponsors and new revenue opportunities.
On new opportunities, a goal is to have a program that sustains and grows revenue. This will be a long process. Greg will focus on ice decals as lead time is required for that. For the house decals, a longer-term agreement should be required due to the cost.
Greg (with Dean) will have a further discussion with Lake of Bays Brewery on enhancing its on ice presence.
Curling Leagues – Cathy
Cathy gave various thoughts on leagues with the idesa set out below. She will prepare a draft survey that will invite expressions of interest on such ideas.
Modifying Friday night– more social with ideas like darts, snack rotations, pot luck nights
Wednesday – having an open competitive league
The potential of another afternoon Jitney (Thurs or Friday)
Thursday morning –curling and lunch interclub league. Open to men, women and mixed. The Board was very supportive of this idea and it was suggested it could start with less than a full schedule - like 4 weeks in the first draw.
And asking for any other ideas.
Lounge Decorating Update - Ed
Ashley has agreed to chair a small decorating committee. She will start in September.
Bocce Update – Ed
A few less bocce members overall than last year 72 down form 78. Opening meeting was well attended.
A new overall co-ordinator will be required for next year. Ed has some ideas.
Tournament Saturday August 10, 2024. Maximum of 2 current members per team. $20 fee per person. BBQ burger and sausage lunch with salads and desert. 50/50 draw and raffle basket. No rain date is available.
CurlOn Update - Cathy
Cathy has been in touch with the operations manager. Dean has requested an ice tech to do a visual check of the shed and equipment. CurlOn will then do a report and suggest upgrades. No charge for this. It will assist in our budgeting.
Deal will also send a request for an ice consultation. There may be a site visit. CurlOn does not actually help with ice installation. No charge for this.
Trillium Communities Resilitent Communities Grant Update –
AODA assessment $7,500. Cathy and Greg met with Suzanne and Heather Gibbons, the AODA qualified architect. She has been retained within the budgeted amount to prepare a compliant plan. Items she has taken away include planning for bathrooms in the basement, lift, second (emergency) exit, kitchen.
website upgrade $4,800 – see discussion above.
facilitator fee $500 – Ed suggested we do that next May. Agreed.
learn to curl equipment $2,100- see attached proposal. Could get less helmets notwithstanding the grant number of eight. Perhaps add some brooms. Contact
Bert for storage on ice grippers and sliders. Use middle cupboard for other storage. Bill to revise list and send to Ed to make contact on the Goldline items.
equipment and technology infrastructure $7,200. Discussion whether the Club needs a smart TV (probably $2,200) and computer (maybe not). What else could we use? Printer (likely not), Cameras and TV monitors for ice sheets (perhaps). Greg to price some items like cameras and TV monitors.
Other Grants - Greg
Still waiting on hearing on the Trillium grant. Hope to hear next week.
Muskoka fund decision delayed and we have not heard.
There seem to be other grants available. We have not to date spent time looking into finding these. Some effort is required, including discussion with Township treasurer.
New Logo – Ed
We need a new logo. One option is Lynn Allen’s husband. Ed to reach out and have a discussion.
Greg also suggested we consider a tag line to go with that.
Communications from the Board
Ed to prepare a Board update. Wall fixed, lounge renovations complete, bocce season has begun. Surf and Turf success (with over 150 people) and thanks. Upcoming curling registration, including learn to curl.
Survey to be developed as noted above. Aim for mid July to get that out.
Bocce tournament to members. Ed.
Other Business
Susan to follow up on participating in Remembrance Day ceremony. Also will consider being involved in Village clean up around Earth Day.
Target September 1, 2024 for registration.
Next Meetings
Thursday August 8, 2024 9:00 am