Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting April 2nd
BCBC Board Meeting, April 2, 2024
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Cathy Hoare, Jim Rotz
Regrets: Suzanne David
LofB Township Economic Development
Ed received an invite to a meeting with the Township Economic Development Strategy Team as part of the Township Economic Development Plan. He will convey our continued view that the Club is an integral part of the recreational and social part of the Township, serving a large demographic of the Township, and continue to look to engage with the Township to the mutual benefit of both. As for economic development he will note some services that the Club and its members would see as beneficial – restaurants, overnight accommodation, car wash, barber shop …
Stephen Derraugh, Economic Development Officer for the Township of Lake of Bays had been scheduled to attend the meeting but we understand he is no longer with the Township.
Joan reviewed the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual. The financials are in good shape given our circumstances. We have had a number of major expenses over the past year and, given the age of the building, expect these to continue. We also have continuing loan payments to CurlOn and the Township. It is important to have some funds on hand for these reasons.
The second installment ($3,000) for the Township coolant has been paid.
We received the first installment of the Trillium Resilient Community Fund in the amount of $5,800. Although it wasn't reflected in the financial report presented, it was noted as an addition to the year-end figure.
AGM Agenda April 6, 2024
Ed has circulated a draft Agenda for the AGM and received some comments. Some slight changes to the order and structure were discussed and will be changed. Ed also reviewed the highlights of what he will indicate for the strategic plan.
We will post the Agenda and confirmed Board nominations on the website.
Updated Role Descriptions
Ed has circulated and received comments on updated Role Descriptions for the eight Board positions. These included descriptions of the lead roles under each Board position.
On the VP, there was discussion on whether the 35-50 age group should be an ongoing responsibility for this position, or a special project. It was agreed it would remain a special project.
There was discussion to change the Revenue Generation title as not being externally proper. Ed to speak to Greg McKenzie to discuss an appropriate name or perhaps using just the Director title in external work. After the meeting it was agreed that Greg’s suggestion of Director at Large for Strategic Growth would be proposed at the AGM.
Potential Candidates for Marketing and Communications Role
The membership list was reviewed for potential candidates. Open Leader positions were also discussed. These will be noted at the AGM and members will be asked to consider what they may be interested in.
Lounge Renovation Update
Preparation work is near completion, with two more days scheduled. Ed has sent around a summary of work to date and the remaining preparation work.
The paint colours were reviewed. Later there will need to be small group to determine what goes up on the walls and where.
Things are going well with Liz Anderson. Bill will create a template for Liz to use to invoice.
Grant Applications
Suzanne had circulated to the Board details for the Muskoka Engage Grant as submitted by her. The basis for the request is for a "Fun, Foundations, and Family" curling program to offer a learning and participation program to families.
Financials and Director Descriptions and Organizational Chart before the AGM
Minutes from AGM after meeting
Bocce Registration by end of April