Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting August 8th
Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, August 8, 2024
Attendees: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom. Absent: Bert Vanderhulst
Financial Review - Joan
Joan reviewed the comparative Statement of Financial Position and the Profit and Loss vs. Actual Statement as provided. In particular it was noted:
Received the $17,787 from Riverfront Group for Surf and Turf.
Received $1,500 honorarium and $300 gift cards from Ironman (which Joan purchased from the Club for cash).
Ice scraper sold for $200. New scraper ordered, $3,500 plus HST.
Exterior wall work substantially completed. Paid $10,057 plus HST. Related Ellis Electric bill of $633.00.
Upcoming amounts include $1,250 for taxes, loan repayments (including interest) of $4,165 and Jet ice for $875 (to be confirmed).
Name change has been updated with our vendors. Hydro and AGCO had a fee. AGCO also waiting on the name change being registered against the land registry for the Club. Bill is attending to the name change with a local law firm.
GIC will be renewed for three months.
Next installment of $5,800 from Trillium expected in September.
Discussed purchasing a used chaffing dish. Cathy is authorized to pursue such. Replacing the stoves and ovens to be discussed next meeting.
Trillium Grant Update – Greg
Our application was declined. Joan and Greg sat in on the call hosted by Suzanne David with our Trillium representative. We learned $560,000 was the total fund. Over $9,000,000 was requested. We made it to the consideration round. We were encouraged to keep going. We were advised to try and stand out more – differentiate ourselves. For example show the extent of community involvement above and beyond curling and bocce. We were encouraged to have some statistics and perhaps examples focussing on the need for AODA compliant facilities in the community.
We will continue to apply. Also we were encouraged to look to Infrastructure Canada funds and Sport Ontario funds, both of which are new programs. There is also Fed North to look into. It was recognized that this work requires time and resourses.
Trillium Communities Resilitent Communities Grant Progress Update – Greg
AODA assessment $7,500. Heather Gibbons, the AODA qualified architect will present a report and submit a bill. Greg to check on if we have all we need from her and what funds may be unused. If there are unused funds we would need to ask for a reallocation from the grant authority.
website upgrade $4,800 – see discussion below.
facilitator fee $500 – At last meeting agreed we do that next May.
learn to curl equipment $2,100. List settled at last meeting. Ed to reach out for Goldline catalogue and price list. Bill to purchase other items.
equipment and technology infrastructure $7,200. Have an informal estimate for monitors of about $4,000 for equipment ($2,000) and installation ($2,000). Greg to pursue including installing ourselves. Would also purchase a TV and stand. Ed to check with Ashley (decorating committee) in respect of co-ordination on stand for TV and related items.
Membership. – Greg
Kim Pearce joined for this part of the meeting. Membership fee benchmarks from other clubs was circulated in advance. Kim and Greg have and will continue to get information from Anna.
Kim gave an overview of pricing at other clubs. There was also a discussion about junior rocks.
No increase to current fees for current membership types was proposed as was current new member discount to continue. Moved by Greg and seconded by Ed. Approved.
Snowbird member was discussed allowing jitney and sparing in the second half. An intermediate fee (under 40 or 45) was also discussed. Greg and Kim to consider further and make a recommendation to the Board by August 16, 2024.
Board members thanked Kim for her work on this.
Website Update – Greg and Ed
Rich is doing a great job in leading the platform decision. There are two options in the market, both of which were investigated. Curling Manager did not work for Bala. Curling Club Manager was discussed with Huntsville and is seen as the better alternative. Rich to pursue Curling Club Manager with the vendor and set up a demo.
Aim is to have a soft launch for the second draw.
Trillium Resilient Community Funds are to be used for this change over. Some Sore Thumb expenses will qualify. Ed suggested that the person that takes on the Board marketing position puruse a course on web site management from such funds.
Update on Name Change, Domain Name Change and New Logo Development - Ed
Website domain name change completed. Email addresses in process as Google non-profit.
Greg and Joan will take the lead with Sublime on the logo.
Once we have the logo we will need a new sign at the front door and one at the back of the building. Also new banner for Christmas parade. Perhaps also an indoor sign (lesser priority).
Revenue Generation and Sponsorship Update – Greg
Greg spoke about the need for certificates for sponsors. He is getting a quote. Timing to be considered further depending on logo development.
Greg (with Dean, Joan and Jim) has an email ready to go to sponsors. The template is attached to these Minutes as Appendix 1. The team will try and upsell on the level of sponsorship.
Greg is updating the digital version of our sponsorship guide with Lynn and Bill Allen.
Jim and Dean are taking the 20 plus existing sponsors for renewals (and potentially upgrades). Pam will again some back-room support. Greg is focussing on new sponsors and new revenue opportunities.
Greg (with Dean) are in contact with Lake of Bays Brewery on enhancing its on ice presence. LOB Brewery has some specific curling marketing and Greg will see how we can fit in. Perhaps branding our houses.
Cathy spoke about recognizing league sponsors on the schedules on the bulletin board. A stand-alone video monitor to run our sponsors was also discussed.
Curling Leagues Update – Cathy
Cathy had previously provided to the Board a summary of the survey results and her recommendations. See attached appendix.
It was also discussed that the proposed Wednesday night tad – competitive league allow for teams to register.
Cathy will contact other clubs about the Thursday morning program in the winter.
The Tuesday night younger program would be deferred for further consideration in the second half. A free to learn to curl clinic in the second half (or over the holiday season) for younger people and perhaps sponsors would also be considered.
Board members expressed thanks to Cathy for her work in developing the ideas and doing the survey.
Other Business
Ed to follow up with Bert on some operation items.
Fall Bocce. Ed proposed the same fees and structure as last year. Agreed.
Bocce Tournament. People had backed out. Not enough interest overall. Will consider a June date next year.
Dean has made contact with CurlOn and has scheduled a visit in regard to our ice.
Communications from the Board
Specific membership email will likely be the next communication to members.
Next Meetings
Tuesday September 10, 2024 at 9 am
Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 9 am
Tuesday November 14, 2024 at 9 am
Tuesday December 5, 2024 at 9 am
Appendix 1 – Sponsor Email Template
Dear [Recipient's Name],
On behalf of the Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club, formerly Baysville Curling & Bocce Club, I want to extend our sincere appreciation for your generous sponsorship last season. Your support played an important role in our ability to offer enriching sport, social, and entertainment opportunities to the Lake of Bays community.
As we prepare for the upcoming 2024/25 season, we are excited to invite [Company Name] to renew your partnership with us. Enclosed, you will find details of our sponsorship opportunities in our "Team Up with Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club" brochure. We have kept our sponsorship prices unchanged from last year, ensuring continuity and value for our sponsors.
Your sponsorship in 2023 was at the [Previous Level] level. This season, we encourage you to consider elevating your impact to the [Next Level Up] level to maximize your visibility and engagement with our community.
Your renewed sponsorship will offer:
Bronze Level ($200.00): level provides a high-quality full colour recognition arena wall sign in our Curling Rink, that is 20” (H) x 36” (W); PLUS, your company logo is promoted on our website homepage.
Silver Level ($450.00): Bronze benefits plus a wall sign (20”x36”), company logo promoted on our website PLUS your Business Signage will also be placed ‘IN the ICE’.
Gold Level ($750.00): Silver benefits plus a wall sign (20”x36”), company logo promoted on our website, business signage placed ‘IN the ICE’ PLUS one free curling season registration for your company.
Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club is one of the largest member run, non-profit organizations providing sport, social and entertainment activities to the Lake of Bays community. From competitive bonspiels and leagues to cherished social events like our Annual Surf and Turf Dinner and community engagement initiatives such as Cabaret Night, Trivia Nights, Santa Clause Parade and we operate the Muskoka Ironman Triathlon Baysville bike aid station. Your support directly enhances our community's quality of life.
We can invoice your company and offer convenient payment options:
E-transfer to:
Cheque payable to: Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club, mailed to our club address P.O Box 9, 10 Carol Street, Baysville, Ontario P0B 1A0.
Visa or Mastercard at:
If cash or invoice is required, please contact Joan Beaudry, 705-739-4701 or
Our Sponsorship Team will provide you with your sponsorship “Certificate of Recognition” to recognize your donation. We welcome any questions you may have. Please email questions to:
Thank you for considering this opportunity to strengthen your company’s visibility while supporting our vibrant community. We look forward to continuing our partnership for another successful season at Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club.
Warm regards,
[Your Name]
Sponsorship Team
Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club
Appendix 2 –Email From Cathy Hoare
Below is a summary of the e-mail responses regarding the curling leagues, in preparation for the Board meeting.
- Only received 20 responses
- Monday Men’s - 2 Yes but no changes proposed.
-Tuesday Ladies - Elaine R - only 2 draws with plans for a social at end of each draw
-Tuesday LTC - no definite comments
-Tuesday 2nd draw, 35-50 age group - 2 comments - thought LTC should be part, young children should be allowed at CC, flexible attendance, cost will likely be a factor
-Wednesday afternoon - 3 Yes -change start time to 1pm
-Wednesday evening competitive- 5 responses - 4-6 wk trial suggested, daytime preferred, interesting, likes idea, great addition to schedule. No - comment was not relevant and sure it was not read thoroughly.
-Thursday Curl & Lunch - 7 Yes - one would only curl in Baysville games, excellent idea, good idea if outside clubs interested but not interested personally, mixed format, sounds appealing, yes if enough interest but much organization & volunteers needed for lunch.
-Thursday evening - no comments, no change
- Friday evening-8 responses - 3 No to food or early start, 1 for 5/6 pm start with each team rotating to make meal for complete league to eat before curling, 1 - prefers 6 ends due to old injury, 1 Yes for more social, 1 OK for food but also OK if no change.
-Saturday PF - 4 comments -concern with bonspiels, concern of interference with potential renters, wknds just too busy to participate, 1 Yes to Saturday
- Overall comments - 4 Looks good, 1 Supports all ideas
- Other comments - need league contacts , concern volunteers already over worked/and/or reluctant to volunteer, congratulate club on efforts to expand participation, league where all curlers rotate positions every 2 ends.
My proposal going forward -
-Monday men’s, Tuesday Ladies, Tuesday LTC, Thursday evening - no change, continue as last season
- Tuesday 2nd draw 35-50 age group - work on organization during first draw, have a spousal rate just for this group where parents rotate weekly, No to kids coming to CC while parents curl.
- Wednesday afternoon - Yes to 1 pm start
- Wednesday evening competitive - register as individual & teams made same way as other leagues
-Thursday Curl & Lunch - First Draw - connect with other clubs re interest in creating & joining league, if enough interest, organize, ready to do 4-6 week trial in Second Draw.
- Friday evening- continue as previous - 6 ends, 7 pm start, no food organized, darts etc always there if wanted.
- Saturday PF - Michael & Alan wish to return to Saturday - felt Sunday was not very convenient for most. Always was Saturday and bonspiels where worked around and don’t believe any big issue with rentals. I will connect with Michael & Alan in next week or so.
Any questions, you know where to find me. Cathy