Executive Meeting September 18, 2018
Present: Don Evans (chair), Pamela & Alan Bowen, Sylvain Desjeans, Keith Southey, Cathy Hoare, Terry Kouyoumjian, Gerry McCall, (minutes)
Regrets: Janet & Bill Prueter, Paul Russell, Vicky Horvath, Barb Finlayson
Minutes from August 21, 2018 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Sylvain
Current bank balance is $21 430
Investors guarantee account is $2002
Cost of new rocks has been deducted at approx. $11 000
Property tax of $1100 have been paid
Estimate that we will have about $27 000 in the bank at the start of curling season this year
Sylvain will send Paul financial update for website posting and present budget at opening banquet
Paul to transfer membership money from paypal to our account
Membership Report: Pamela
Total of 60 registered members to date. 55 full and 5 social
8 new members, 3 of which are social
Lost 4 members from last year
12 of 60 members are from Dorset
Health and Safety Initiatives: Alan
Discussion around calling EMS when anyone falls and hits their head (as other clubs do)
Discussion on having a waiver signed by members as part of their membership package, for next season
Alan to draft a policy statement on safety (i.e., stretching, warm ups, head gear, etc.)
Discussion on not having safety head gear available due to risks involved with its maintenance
Don to arrange a visit from Goldline to show option of head gear
Women’s League and Bonspiels: Cathy
Inter-club schedule is not out yet
Club Maintenance: Don / Terry
Pest control: Orkin Pest Control to been done
Furnace to be serviced on September 24, 2018
Carpets: Carpet cleaning to be cleaned about 1 week prior to opening potluck
Dehumidifier and ice heaters to be maintained by Terry K.
Double doors in compressor room to be used as emergency entrance
Discussion on ensuring no ice build-up so entrance is kept safe
Website update: Don
No report
Advertising: Don
Cast Iron getting on ice sign and wall ad
Don to speak with Nissan about on ice signs
Don to contact all current advertisers about committing to another year
Rentals: Keith
December 7 rental booked
Shriners are renting the club in March
Keith inventories sliders and grippers and recommended purchasing more of both in a variety of sizes
Discussed buying new club brooms
Bar: Gerry
There are 60 new bottles of Shiraz, 48 bottles of Cabernet, and 108 bottles of Pinot Grigio from Wine Excellence
Kitchen: Barb
No report
New Business: Don
Masters and grand Masters need lunches:
Need volunteers
Don to email members and hold meeting. Goal is a variety of volunteers.
Ice Making:
Schedule has been sent out
Ice painting scheduled for Oct 6 , 2018
Opening Banquet:
October 13, 2018
Paul to post on home page
Don to put president’s welcome message on home page
Teams to be presented at banquet (committee to make teams will meet between Oct 1-12)
Ontario Curling Association:
Discussion to join
$1300 for membership
Benefits: variety of clinics (1 free for club), access to curling webinars, support to clubs (i.e., discounts on insurance, equipment, automatic member of Canada Curling, borrow money at low interest rate, etc.)
Visit OCA website and decide at next meeting
Don has found a used Hobart dishwasher for $1495, and will go see it
Discussion about clubs insurance policy and coverage amounts
Alan to contact insurance company to discuss types of insurance and costs (i.e., coverage for boilers and machinery)
Next meeting: October 23, 2018 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2019.