Executive Meeting November 27, 2018
Present: Don Evans (chair), Pamela & Alan Bowen, Janet Prueter, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Sylvain Desjeans, Keith Southey, Cathy Hoare, Terry Kouyoumjian
Minutes from September 27, 2018 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Sylvain
See attached
Financially the club is in good shape
Membership Report: Pamela
83 total members
14 are social
9 are snowbirds
2 new members for second draw ($75.00 for 2 nd half of season). Board approved the fee.
Draw 2 is Jan 7 to March 15, 2019. Meeting on Friday Jan 4 th to determine new teams. Deadline for changes is Dec 13, 2018.
Health and Safety Initiatives: Alan
Review and discussion of release for membership application. Board approved the shorter version and will have it in place for membership applications for 2019-2020 season
BCC injury report reviewed. Completed copies will be kept in paper format in a locked cabinet at the club.
Discussion of need for Health officer to maintain forms, keep first aid box filled and keep AED charged. Job description to be drafted (as a board position)
Alan continues to review concussion protocols from various sources. Will bring to board when he’s ready.
Don has replaced all exit sign light bulbs, and emergency light bulbs
Don is shovelling the path by emergency exit at the club (ice level)
First aid blankets and supplies are kept on top of the fridge in kitchen. Cold packs are labelled and kept in the fridge
Address signs by phone. Request for both first responder AND ambulance
Women’s League and Bonspiels: Janet
Monday Curling (Joanne K): averages 14 curlers per week
Inter club bonspiels (Cathy H): going well
2 day Muskoka / Parry Sound Bonspiel in February (Huntsville) and we have been asked to support Huntsville with staff and money ($50.00) for trophies. Board approved this request
Marie Van Clieaf Bonspiel hosted by BCC on November 17. 22 curlers participated, and 13 men supported the teams.
Club Maintenance: Don
Snow stoppers were ordered for the roof, but received after the first snowfall, so will be installed in the spring 2019.
Timer on dishwasher was replaced. Now it shuts off at end of cycle. Instructions have been revised.
Advertising: Don
Don has followed up with all advertisers, and 2 are currently delinquent in payment
Rentals: Keith
3 Montessori groups renting
December 7 rental booked
Private party and Shriners are renting the club in February
Discussion about cleaning fees for future rentals
Bar: Gerry
Need more cork stoppers
Old Business:
Decision / discussion to join OCA has been deferred until February 2019
Club insurance has maintained at $2million liability coverage, rather than increase to $5 million liability
New Business: Don
Kitchen meeting follow up:
Masters and Grand Masters lunch schedules are done
Ice Making:
Scraper blade needs sharpening. Needs to be dropped off in London and brought back the same day.
Discussion about ordering a second blade for next year. Cost is $1200. Board has approved second blade purchase in the summer 2019.
Grey Cup Follow up:
Low attendance
TV connection needs sorting out prior to Superbow
Fraser McTurk works with Montessori schools, asked if club members would help with kids when they rent the club. Principal will submit a write up of what they are looking for.Santa Claus parade is on Dec 9, 2018. Don will send an email to membership
Next meeting: February 19, 2019 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2019.