Executive Meeting August 21, 2018
Present: Don Evans (chair), Pamela & Alan Bowen, Janet Prueter, Keith Southey, Cathy Hoare, Paul Russell, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Sylvain Desjeans, Bill Prueter, Terry Kouyoumjian, Barb Finlayson
Minutes from March 19, 2018 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Don in lieu of Sylvain
Current bank balance is approx. $22 000
New rocks have not been deducted at approx. $11 000
Riverfront group to transfer approx. $13 500
Financially we are very healthy
Club Maintenance: Don
No major repairs this year
New guidelines for public health inspection
Kitchen safety/ food handling course
Jane T and June M have completed it
Will look for volunteers to take the course. Cathy to do the course.
Need to be proactive in finding out the guidelines. Don to investigate what the new changes are.
Pest control: Orkin Pest Control to start spraying next week
Carpets: Carpet cleaning to be cleaned about 1 week prior to opening potluck
Dehumidifier and ice heaters to be maintained by Terry K.
Furnace cleaning to be completed before season starts (September)
Website update: Paul
Registration and payment for membership can now be done on the website
PayPal for payment (you don’t need an account, just a credit card)
Memo to be sent to all members to advise to pay ongoing attention to the website
Don to advise members in opening address
Board members responsible for each area, to send information to Paul so he can post the information (not Paul writing the information)
Women’s Bonspiels: Cathy / Jan
Marie VanClieaf: Change of date to Saturday, November 17, 2018. This will be in-house bonspiel rather than invite outside teams
Male members to prepare and serve food and drinks
Team entry fees and prizes, along with card games and other activities
Must be removed from the website and moved to members only section
Membership / Important Dates: Pamela
Pamela to send email to all members stating that membership is open and can be done on line, including payment, on August 30, 2018.
Early bird membership only available for full memberships, not for snowbirds
Signage to advertise memberships to be put around township and district in Baysville. Cost is $180 for 10 signs. Don to order the signs.
See website for events page for important dates (see attached)
Add tick boxes to volunteer page that must be ticked off before registering
Pamela to send out flyers in community to advertise memberships
Don to enquire if curling can go on Baysville Electronic Community Sign
Pamela to advise Gord Bell to add membership info to Facebook page
New Business:
Health and Safety: Alan
Review questions pertaining to injury while curling at the club (see attached document)
Set committees for first response, safety and liability components of attached documents
Goal of October 13, 2018 for draft documents
Bar: Gerry
Bar survey drafted and reviewed
See posted survey on website
Club needs: Don
Signage: Welcome sign on front door needed.
Address to be added to the signage
Don to have signs made
Don to have curling membership signs made as well to post around town
12 signs have been ordered and 9 placed around Baysville and 3 in Dorset.
Wine: 44 white and 44 red remaining from last year. Don has been purchasing at $10 per bottle. It has improved with age.
This year we are doing a 2 x Shiraz (58 bottles ready in November) and 2 x Pinot Grigio (58 bottles) in November. Cost is $7.50 per bottle.
Can sell premium wine at $5 per glass and $4 for house wine
Dishwasher: Industrial dishwasher to be investigated, possibly used. Don and Sylvain to investigate and report on options
Plumbing and electric to be reconfigured as needed
Cathy and Don to look at used kitchen cabinets / island
Kitchen: Don
Don to call a kitchen meeting to determine volunteering in the kitchen for masters and grand masters
See attached letter from District of Simcoe Muskoka Health Unit
Past President Plaque: Don
Don went through all past minutes till 1982, and has listed all past presidents
Don will get a plaque made for opening banquet
Don to call ice making meeting in SeptemberInstructional and team forming meeting
Next meeting: September 18, 2018 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2019.