Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting February 25, 2020
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for February 25, 2020
Present: Sylvain Desjeans, Lili Davis-Burchat, Don Evans, Cathy Hoare, Dianne Jones, Pam & Al Bowen
Regrets: Gerry McCall, Keith Southey, Carol & Terry Kouyoumjian
Adoption of January 21, 2020 meeting minutes
Al moved that minutes be accepted and Lili seconded
Treasurer update - Lili
Report reviewed. Bank balance $17,500
Big bills still to be paid - ie Property taxes, Ice brine, utilities,
Action: Investigate cost for propane from different suppliers. Lake of Bays Association (LOBA) members use Grant propane at $.51 per litre. Sylvain prime
Action: Post instructions around heaters regarding proper use to help reduce cost of propane. Don prime
Action: Clarify the $’s LOB township requires (if any) and why on a yearly basis for the new coolant process that is required in 5-6 years. Prime Sylvain
Decision required: We have spent $600 for chips to-date. Consider selling chips vs providing for free
Action: Have the skips turn the heaters off when the game is done and create a checklist to post by the door listing the actions to take when you are the last person leaving the building. This will also save $’s. Prime Sylvain and Don (checklist)
Stripe contract – open item
Create an expense form – open item
Action: Dianne to email Lili a sample form
Membership report - Pamela
91 members
12 of which are social
Action: Pam will create a bar graph to display the membership increase at the yearly annual meeting
League reports - Cathy
Women’s league doing well. Pot luck scheduled for March 10.
Bonspiels and club fun activities
Battle of the Sexes and Scotch Nosing very successful. Members looking forward to these events next year. Action: Treasurer should work with event planner to set ticket costs to ensure we cover our costs
Skills completion tentatively scheduled for March 3. Women’s sleepover on March 21
Timbermart short by one team. Don looking for 12th team
Don recommended that we change the name of Hap and Alice to something that recognizes Elaine Arbuckle’s contribution to the tournament every year. Plus purchase a trophy
Action: Board approved. Don will check with Elaine Arbuckle
§ Will consider others (including Lake of Bays Brewery) if Elaine not interested – open item
Health and Safety- Carol
First aid classes and venues – open
The goal is to have someone with a First Aid Certificate on every curling league & they can serve as League Convenors to support in communication of Safety during Club Events and bring back concerns to the board.
Consider the potential that Board members could play this role
Signing of concussion policy – open
Need to investigate liability regarding renters. Do we need to be here when a renter is on site? Do we need an agreement? Does the agreement need a waiver? Do we need to mandate helmets? Should we request a deposit?
Action: Ontario curling may be able to help us. Sylvain to contact them
Maintenance- Terry
Action: Install a motion detector light in the basement.
Action: Spring on the door completed but the door needs to be adjusted so that it closes properly. New door knob may be required
Capital Projects- Sylvain, Alan, Terry
Action: Quote for the upstairs ceiling replacement is being created by an external vendor. That work along with the club painting is the only work that will be completed this spring, after the year end banquet. Prime Sylvain and Al
Permits for door replacement – open
Action: Schedule of activities under development. Once completed it will be presented to the Board. Targeting March meeting
Action: Covering walls in the ice area estimate $80K. Need to consider grants for this project. Sylvain to investigate Trillium and OCA grants. Open item
Decision: Al suggested we put aside money to begin building a capital fund. Board concurred. Amount to be determined in June, once we have a final year end bank balance. Open item
Advertising- Don
Fowler advertising lost – closed
Action: Remove Landscapes advertising. Don Prime
Rentals- Keith
No update
Shriners here on Saturday
10 teams for mini bonspiel
Don will be onsite to assist. Lili and Michael are available to assist if required
Bar- Gerry
No update
Al has put copies of smart serve certificates in a binder.
Decision: Certificates must be in the binder in order to work in the bar
Kitchen- Alan
Al has put copies of food handler certificates in a binder
Action: Pamela to order 17 table cloths. Open item until May
Ice maintenance- Don
No update
Action: Don to schedule ice maintenance visit from Curl-On for early next season
New Business
Decision: Purchase a Square and the associated til. Sylvain prime
Next year is 150 birthday of Baysville. Let’s consider how we can celebrate - Open
Consider asking neighbouring clubs to join together and have Curl-On to provide skills training
Decision: Return to combining banquet and AGM dates. April 4, 2020
Suggest that the Bocce ball members become BCC members. Prime Sylvain to speak with Barb Bodnar
Dianne will create a monthly newsletter starting next year
Next meeting March 31