Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting January 21, 2020

Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting

Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2020


Present: Sylvain Desjeans, Carol & Terry Kouyoumjian, Lili Davis-Burchat, Don Evans, Cathy Hoare, Dianne Jones, Pam & Al Bowen

Regrets: Gerry McCall, Keith Southey



1)    Adoption of December 17, 2019 meeting minutes

·       Al moved that minutes be accepted and Lili seconded


2) Treasurer update - Lili

·       Report reviewed. Bank balance $21,400.00 not including Hap and Alice revenue, etc.

·       New report includes a breakdown of utilities

·       Don provided details around revenue and expenses for Hap & Alice

·       Action: Lili to provide a summary of net revenue next meeting

·       Stripe contract – open item

·       Create an expense form – open item

·       Identify who will need the combination for the safe – open item

o   Currently, Sylvain, Lili and Pamela have it


3) Membership report - Pamela

·       No update


4) League reports - Cathy

·       Curling strategy and sweeping training to be planned by Michael and Keith Summers for the ladies Tuesday afternoon league


5) Bonspiels and club fun activities

·       Hap & Alice very successful

·       Don recommended that we change the name of Hap and Alice to something that recognizes Elaine Arbuckle’s contribution to the tournament every year. Plus purchase a trophy

o   Action: Board approved. Don will check with Elaine Arbuckle

§  Will consider others (including Lake of Bays Brewery) if Elaine not interested


6) Health and Safety- Carol

·       First aid classes and venues – open

·       Signing of concussion policy – open

·       Need to investigate liability regarding renters. Do we need to be here when a renter is on site? Do we need an agreement? Does the agreement need a waiver? Do we need to mandate helmets? Should we request a deposit?

o   Action: Ontario curling may be able to help us. Sylvain to contact them



7) Maintenance- Terry

·       Timers have been added to heaters

·       Spring on the door – open

·       Furnace maintenance completed

·       Regular maintenance should be completed on stoves. Keep green stoves.

o   Decision: Add new stove and kitchen cupboards to capital projects.


8) Capital Projects- Sylvain, Alan, Terry

·       Permits for door replacement – open

·       Action: Schedule of activities under development. Once completed it will be presented to the Board. Targeting March meeting

o   Renovations expected to take 2 months

o   Interior renovation estimate $5K - $6K

o   Action: Covering walls in the ice area estimate $80K. Need to consider grants for this project. Sylvain to investigate Trillium and OCA grants

·       Don, Lili and Pamela attending Lake of Bays municipality meeting on Feb 3 on the topic of replacing Freon at the arena/curling club

·       Decision: Al suggested we put aside money to begin building a capital fund. Board concurred. Amount to be determined in June, once we have a final year end bank balance


9) Advertising- Don

·       Fowler  advertising - open


10) Rentals- Keith

·       No update


11) Bar- Gerry

·       No update

·       Action: Al to work with Gerry to get copies of smart serve certificates and place in a binder


12) Kitchen- Alan

·       Masters and Grandmaster and all bonspiels catering planned

·       Action: Al to get a copy of each Ontario Food Handler Training Certificates and place in a binder

·       Action: Pamela to order 17 table cloths


13) Ice maintenance- Don

·       Nut broke off the scraper. Temporary fix has been completed. Don will look after getting it welded back on

·       Rocks were textured last week



14) New Business

·       Decision: Club will volunteer to distribute drinks for the Triathlon again this year. July 5

·       Decision + Action: Purchase a Tablet/Ipad and a Square. Sylvain prime

·       Next year is 150 birthday of Baysville. Let’s consider how we can celebrate


Next meeting February 25

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