Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting March 8, 2022
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for March 8, 2022
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Sylvain Desjardins, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Ed Mathany, Carol Kouvoumjian, Cathy Hoare, Suzanne David, Regrets: Keith Southy, Terry Kouvoumjian and Anna Landry
Financial update
We currently have $23K
$11K - $4K (outstanding cheque for brine) = $7K. All other expenses paid
$16K from CurlOn (still needs to be deposited but included in the $23K)
Action: TD Bank moved their commercial department from Bracebridge to Huntsville. Banking with them has become cumbersome. We will pursue moving our finances to Kawartha Credit Union (currently a club sponsor). This will be done in conjunction with bringing on a new Treasurer (Joan Beaudry).
Grant requests
We missed the due dates for Trillium and Ontario Hydro grants
We can apply next year
We are in phase 2 for the $13K grant being lead by Otter energy
Focus would be solar panels
Action: Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports announced new funds available as of today. Suzanne will investigate
Dehumidifier replacement
2 quotes received and one is due tomorrow from Cimco refrigeration
Tebby quote was lowest @ $36k vs Exl-Aire @ $45.8K. (see attachment 1 & 2).
Action: Exl-Aire quote does not include wiring. Suzanne will follow-up with them regarding the wiring.
Action: Dana Pearson (who will be replacing Terry) has a background in refrigeration. We should quickly get him involved to help with the decision making process. Don and Terry will contact Dana.
A recommendation will be brought back to the Board by Don, Terry and Dana for a vote.
Several financing options will be investigated including; funding from Township of Lake of Bays, a loan from the bank or CurlOn, a private donor and/or club initiated fundraising
Health and Safety (H&S) update
Action: The AED battery is dead and can’t be replaced. Therefore the entire AED needs to be replaced. Bob Lacroix will contact the District of Muskoka regarding a new one as they donated the current one. Carol will keep the Board updated.
We have had several falls which were not serious however as a follow-up Carol has created a note to the members that will be emailed to everyone and posted in the club that reminds members what to do when someone fall.
Lots of concern raised regarding members using old grippers which may cause a fall.
A decision was made that at the beginning of each season we will take orders for new equipment; grippers, helmets, brushes, etc. The Health and Safety Director At Large will coordinate.
Goldline may have some info regarding the importance of grippers.
All agreed that a short (10 minute) H&S overview for all members should be held at the beginning of each season just prior to the first game. It should include AED location, procedures for calling 911, helmet safety, location of blanket and first aid supplies, etc.
It was suggested this could be done by each league organizer as they are present during the first game.
Carol and Ed will work with new Health and Safety Director (Bill Rowlands) regarding the equipment ordering and H&S overview
2022 election
The end of season AGM will not be held due to covid. Things are starting to open up however, some people may not be comfortable attending and therefore won’t have an option to vote for the proposed executive
Proposed BCBC Executive for spring vote are:
Sylvain Desjardins as President
Ed Mathany and Murray Turnour as Vice Presidents
Joanne Beaudry as Treasurer
Dianne Jones as Secretary
Action: Dianne will create an email that Sylvain will send out with the names of the proposed executive. Members can either vote via a link in the email or via a ballot at the club. The only options will be a yes vote or abstain.
Members who have not voted online can get a ballot and vote in person at the club.
Email should stress that members can only vote once.
It should note that the Directors At Large will be announced shortly after the vote.
Potential candidates for the new Director at Large positions include:
Bill Rowlands as Health and Safety
Jim Roth as Rentals
Dana Pearson as Maintenance
Anna Landry has already replaced Pamel Bowen as Membership
Action: Current Board members will create a list of responsibilities which will be posted on our website. This will help with the transition over to the new Executive and Directors At Large
Action: Need volunteers for the July 10 Triathlon. Don will send out an email requesting volunteers before the end of April.
Next meeting date: April 13, 7:00pm
Deferred items PayPal ONCA Bar License update - April 2022 Open House - August 2022