Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting April 13, 2022
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
BCBC Board Meeting via google meets and in person, April 13, 2022
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Ed Mathany, Cathy Hoare, Bill Rowlands, Jim Roth, Anna Landry
Regrets: Sylvain Desjardins,Suzanne David, Joan Beaudry, Dana Pearson, Murray Turnour
Membership vote confirmed the following Executive positions:
Sylvain Desjardins as President
Murray Turnour as Vice President
Joan Beaudry as Treasurer
Dianne Jones as Secretary
The following Directors have been appointed:
William (Bill) Rowlands - Health and Safety
Jim Rotz - Rentals
Dana Pearson - Building Maintenance
Anna Landry - Membership
Cathy Hoare - Ladies League
Suzanne David - Community Outreach
Ed Mathany - Bar Services
Don Evans - Ice Maintenance
Year end financial statement (Attachment 1)
Solid position given the challenging year
Bank balance is ~$10,000.00 (snow removal expense and taxes are due and the CurlOn donation still needs to be deposited)
Decision made to maintain internet service for safety reasons (ie. AED is connected to emergency dispatch via internet connection)
Action: Lili will provide a comparison between 2019-2020 year and 2021 - 2022 year which will assist with creating next seasons budget
Decision made to cancel landline.
Action: Don will cancel with Rogers.
Action: Health and Safety protocols will require that we have cell phones available at all times for an emergency. Bill will ensure its added to the season opening orientation
Snow removal payment
Motion to make a $1,000.00 donation to United Church Rainbow Fund for snow removal services. Lili seconded. Motion passed
Action: Don will advise who to make the cheque payable to
Dehumidifier vendor
Decision made to have a sub-committee that includes Suzanne, Joan, Ed and Dana with Don and Terry as advisors to bring a recommendation back to the Board that includes the vendor and financing strategy.
Recommendation will be presented at May meeting
Action: Ed will contact Dana and send him the quotes
Kitchen Duties
Lili and Cathy volunteered to organize the kitchen and then jointly assume the Director-At-Large position for the Kitchen next season
Potential for new (used) stove for kitchen
Decision was made to purchase the used stove for $100.00
Action: Ed will pay the $100 and arrange to have the stove delivered. Kitchen committee have the authority to purchase another one for between $100-$150
Election results and next steps - Note: Election results - 48 yes’s and 3 abstains
The following positions have been confirmed
Sylvain Desjardins as President
Murray Turnour as Vice President
Joan Beaudry as Treasurer
Dianne Jones as Secretary
Action: Communication to go to the members announcing the results and include a thank you to the departing volunteers
Action: A constitution amendment will be required at the fall AGM to allow 2 VP’s.
Dianne to ensure it’s on the agenda and have the revised amendment out to members two weeks prior.
Board Member role descriptions (Attachment 2)
Each Board member will create a description and email to all members for their comments
Each member will create a final version and then 3 roles will be reviewed at each meeting until all roles have been vetted
Action: Ed will advise committee of the plan via email
Action: Don will create a list along with a description of his miscellaneous duties such as club sponsorship/advertising, Iron man coordination, Master League prime, etc
Masters League expansion (Attachment 3)
Decision made to support the expansion to 20 teams
Bocce outdoor patio (Attachment 4)
Ed presented his research.
In theory, AGCO would approve however the issue is we need township approval which would be much more difficult to get
Concern voiced regarding impact on neighbours.
Decision made to not pursue at this time given other pressing priorities. More discussions with Bocce members will occur this season and this item may be revisited next year
Potential Bocce court improvements
Action: Ed to research cost of screening for the bocce courts
An option would be to convert one court as a trial vs all the courts at once
Ice out update
Process is going well. Joe Piccione has been assisting Don
Don announced he is moving and therefore leaving the club
Action: He requested that the Board find a replacement for him. He recommended it should be a committee
Don planning to teach a few members how to texture the rocks this month
Don held an ice making workshop with 5 attendees. Michael, Dale, Jim, Dean and Bill
CurlOn tour
All agreed it would be a great idea to have them in Baysville this summer during the Baysville Walkabout
Action: Anna will work with Suzanne to investigate
We could promote curling, bocce and rentals
Explore QR option
Fundraising update - Dianne
4 initiatives underway
T-shirt sale between April 13-25
Baysville Community Garage sale - May 14
Music night - June 11
DIY Surf and Turf - Targeting July long weekend
Iron man
July 10
Expect to volunteer for one side of the street. $1,000.00 in revenue
Call for volunteers will go out once we know whether we are doing one or two sides of the street
Action: Don will request someone to shadow him to learn how to organize in the future when he sends out his volunteer communication
AED update
Our AED has been replaced with a temporary AED while we wait for our AED’s battery to be replaced
The AED box has been updated. The alarm will be triggered when the door is opened. The alarm also sends a signal to dispatch that the door has been opened and they will respond.
Deferred Items
Board member role descriptions
Open House - August 2022
Constitution amendment to allow two VP’s deferred to fall AGM
Next meeting May 18 at the club
Attachment 1 - Income Statement
Attachment 2 - BCBC Board Members
Attachment 3 - Masters League Expansion Proposal