Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting February 8, 2022
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for February 8, 2022
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Sylvain Desjardins, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Ed Mathany, Terry & Carol Kouvoumjian, Keith Southy, Cathy Hoare, Anna Landry Regrets: Suzanne David,
Cleaning Schedule
Ed made a motion to include cleaning in the list of volunteer jobs that are offered at the time of enrolment. Ed has volunteered to coordinate and ensure the schedule is filled. Sylvain seconded. Motion passed. ○ Action: Anna will work with Hannah to have it added for next year's enrollment.
Contact tracing
Action: Contact tracing no longer required but proof of vaccination is required every time someone enters the building. Carol will revise the sign at the entrance table to include that by “signing in” the person has confirmed they are double vaccinated as proven by previously shown documentation.
Covid Protocols
Lots of confusion among members regarding current protocols. We will send out another communication to clarify and help alleviate frustration. Communication will include:
Covid is still prevalent and hospitalizations continue to be high in our area.
We are hearing frustration
Board is confused and we know members are confused
We are following Jan 31 legislation
Safety is the club’s first priority
A mask is not required when actively curling or if wearing a mask causes an unsafe situation
Do your best
Action: Change masks if possible throughout the game. Complimentary masks will be available at ice level. Don will purchase masks tomorrow at Walmart
Only 1 sweeper. Skips cannot sweep opponents rocks
Doors at ice level should be kept closed and external fans should not be on
Action: Dianne will email a draft tomorrow morning to the Board. Board to send feedback by end of day tomorrow. Sylvain will send out the communication on Thursday morning
This will also address the member feedback provided by Suzanne David via email to the Board members prior to the meeting
Action: Consider purchasing a fan with a hepa filter similar to what schools are using.
These fans are available on the CurlOn website. Sylvain will investigateFurnace has mirv filter
$14K in our account not including the money from CurlOn’s charitable donation account
Scott from LOB township confirmed that we will have to pay the remaining $3K for brine
There will be no refunds given if members decided to quit
Snow removal has been fantastic. We should pay Bruce Thomas the same as we have paid in previous years. $900
Fundraising update
Fundraising committee planning a music night on April 23
Virtual Surf and Turf including an online auction being planned for June
Action: We would like to support the Rainbow Fund (which assisted us with a donation) therefore going forward we will provide a bin with a plastic insert for any used pop cans and encourage members to drop off their personal cans from home
2022 Election
Jim Roth will replace Keith Southey
Dana Pearson could be considered as a replacement for Terry
Action: Need a replacement for Lili. Don will scout out some candidates
Bill Rowlands interested in being on the Board. He could be considered as a replacement for Carol or Lili
Delay election until end of February and perhaps include a replacement for Lili
Next meeting March 8 at 7:00