Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting January 11, 2022

Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting

Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for January 11, 2022

Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Pam Bowen, Sylvain Desjardins, Cathy Hoare, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Ed Mathany, Suzanne David
Regrets: Keith Southy, Terry & Carol Kouvoumjian

Financial Update

  1. $15,000 in account. Awaiting $14,000 from CurlOn member donations with receipt. Only outstanding bill is the second installment of the brine

  2. Charitable donation receipts from CurlOn will receive the receipt by mail if they selected two receipts. They would have received a receipt at the time of the donation.

    • The second receipt costs us $2

  3. Action: Some advertisers have outstanding payments. Lili will advise Don

Membership Update

  1. 86 members ○ 4 new members and 1 returning member for this draw

  2. Anna will assume Director at Large on Feb 1

  3. Action: Season can be extended until April 1 as long as we can negotiate it. 2 compressors are currently shut off to save money for LOB. Ice is holding fine.Sylvain will contact Scott.

Bonspiels and Inter-club play status

  1. Marie VanClieaf and TimberMart have been canceled

  2. Women's league will most likely be canceled. Our club will play in Masters and Grand Masters as long as the team members want to and the rules allow. Bar would be open and manned by the players.

  3. Action: Jan 29 rental should be contacted. Ed will follow-up with Keith

Dehumidifier issue

  1. Terry has spoken with Tebbys related to the dehumidifier.Dale will look into a desiccant and a refrigeration type dehumidifier. We can have a site mtg once he has this info.

  2. Cimco and Xlarre will also be providing a quote

GICB Grant

  1. Suzanne has submitted a GICB grant via Otter solar (who approached us with the idea) ○ Name of the project is Green for Growth.

    • Solar panels, new floor for year round community facility, dehumidifier, Air Conditioning, refurbish club finishings, R value to insulation

      • Our case could be used as a disaster center

      • Action: Suzanne will email two links to the board where we can get the details

      • This could also lead to applying for a Trillium Grant

      • Port Carling has applied for this same grant. They are getting the panels installed now. Could be a good resource for us.

Winter Election

  1. VP position is outstanding. We have two excellent candidates and will consider utilizing both

    • Murray Turnour and Ed Mathany

  2. Vote needs to happen via email

  3. Lili (Treasurer) is interested in leaving if we can replace her due to her personal workload

  4. Action: Dianne to create an email and send to Sylvain who will send to members

Fundraising Update

  1. Summary of the net fundraising profits from 2021.

    • February online auction $3,500

    • July lobster and beef sale $1,700

    • July online auction $1,900

    • Mum sale $700

    • Clothing sale $0

    • Poinsettia sale $1,200

    • Beer and wine $900

    • Xmas tree $700

  2. Total $10,600

Bar Update

  1. Liquor License has been renewed – new expiry date Nov. 30, 2023 ∙ Updated copy posted in bar

  2. Bar coverage for January & February – Ed in Florida

    • Weekly cleaning of bar – Suzanne Villeneuve & Cathy Vanclieaf

    • Management of empties – Linda Lacroix

    • Ordering of Beer Store / LoB products – Don Evans

    • Ordering of LCBO products – Jim Rotz

    • Ordering of Grocery products – Suzanne, Cathy & Linda

    • Separate product inventory sheets provided to above

    • Ed to manage bartenders for league coverage, rentals & bonspiels

    • Key resources for Square support:

      • Olivia Wallman (647) 204-4019

      • Ed Mathany: (705) 349-0513

      • Square Support Line: (416) 204-0032

      • Sylvain Desjeans: (647) 938-2672

  3. Developed Inventory Tracking and Sales System

    • understand member preferences better

    • better use of cash flow

    • Estimated product sales calculated for Oct – Dec season.

    • Established preliminary reorder quantities e. Continue to refine as more detailed product sales information generated via Square reporting

    • In process of developing Margin Tracking System. Target is 33% net margin.

Transition from Cash Sales to Card Payment

  1. Proposed Implementation Plan

    • Set up account with Square Canada - complet

    • Order hardware – Square stand obtained - iPad received Dec.17th

    • Install hardware – complete

    • Bank Account verification process - final verification request on Dec. 4th verification received on Dec. 9th

    • Beta test of hardware and software

      • bank verification concern resolved

      • separation of Square Retail screen from Square Admin screen helpful

      • 8 separate beta tests performed

    • Develop instructions for Bar Servers – completed (copy attached)

    • Training of bar Servers –in process - 7 of 18 servers trained

    • Roll out to all members (target Dec. 1) – selected roll-out only in December due to bank verification challenge / late delivery of iPad

    • Go cashless with start of second draw in January – recommend going with both cash & cards for Second Draw, allowing for full training of bartenders.

  2. Action: Consider amending the liquor license for Boche. Ed will follow-up

  3. See Attachment 1 for the Square Instructions for Bartenders

Health and Safety

  1. Pamela made a motion to adopt the COVID Safety Plan. Sylvain Seconded. Motion passed

  2. Pages 4, 5 & 6 of the plan will be posted in the club.

  3. Volunteer cleaning program needs more structure and someone needs to oversee

    • Action: Sylvain will clean up the schedule and then issue an email to the members asking them to volunteer

    • Ed will temporarily volunteer to coordinate the weekly cleaning schedule until such a time that the Board assigns responsibility to a specific role on the Board.

Next meeting date: Tuesday February 9. 7:00

Square Card System – Instructions for Bar Servers

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