Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting November 2, 2021
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for November 2, 2021
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Pam Bowen, Sylvain Desjardins, Cathy Hoare, Terry & Carol Kouvoumjian, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Keith Southy, Ed Mathany Regrets: Barb Bodner, Suzanne David
Financial update
$20K currently in our account. Does not include $14K from CurlOn trust fund. Plus advertising dollars are still to come. $3K for Brine still needs to be paid.
Dehumidifier issue
40 years old and is not working. Cost to replace is $50K.
Rental unit didn't work, so we returned it
Action Sylvain investigating grants. Also speaking with Bob Lacrois and LOB Mayor for ideas to raise funds
Huntsville installed a new dehumidifier a few years ago and Don is speaking with them regarding their unit.
Action: Terry got a quote from Dale Tebby for $45K for the same unit as Huntsville. Terry looking for additional quotes for an uninstalled unit.
Debrief and suggestions regarding impacts of new curling flow
Skips would like to sweep once stone comes close to the house. Skip must call off the sweeper and people need to stay 3 meters apart
Huntsville is playing with two sweepers
Bracebridge allowing two sweepers with masks
Barrie is using two sweepers with no masks
Dianne motioned to allow Skips to sweep and Pamela seconded. Motion passed.
Note & Action: We need to notify members! After the meeting, Carol offered to create an email that Sylvain can send to members
Corsi-Rosenthal filters
Merv 13 filters can be added to the new dehumidifier. Will investigate as we pursue getting a new dehumidifier
Fall election
Alan Bowen has stepped down as Vice President
A few people have approached Sylvain and Don who are interested in the VP position
Will hold the vote via email
Sylvain, Lili and Dianne will be running for their current positions
Election will most likely be held the first week of December
Keith and Pam will step down next year
We will try to find a replacement for Pam so that she can train them during the creation of the winter draw
Ed suggested we send a communication asking for volunteers
Action: Sylvain to send an email to the membership
New Community Outreach Director at Large
Suzanne David has assumed the Community Outreach Director at Large
Will manage external and marketing communications
She was not able to attend today however she will attend meetings going forward
Fees for Spares, Jitney and Practice First
Action: We are short 4 people for Wednesday evening curling. Pamela to send out an email asking for more members to sign up
Pamela motioned that Practice First and Jitney members be able to spare a few times and Sylvain seconded. Motion passed.
Don receiving calls from non-members regarding Royal LePage and TimberMart. Cathy has also received calls about the women bonspiels
Calls are from curlers in other leagues and are double vaccinated
Policy for one sweeper will have to be revisited for bonspiels
We can host using potluck meals as long as we follow guidelines
Getting volunteers to help with hosting could be an issue
Kelly Priest is good at organizing events
Action: Sylvain will send out a Save The Date email for the bonspiels and include the fact that we will be looking for curlers and volunteers
Action: Cathy will look after women's bonspiels and associated communications
Will consider organizing an internal bonspiel
Santa parade - Front line workers theme
Decision made to participate
Action: Sylvain will contact Peter and Lori
We will also decorate building to support the community “light up” event
Bar Update (see attachment 1)
Ed will sell off homemade wine that was left over from previous years
Ed has re-engaged LOB brewery
Chips and popcorn are now available
Suzanne offered to host wine tasting
Square will be ready to use in the new year
Will test with a few members and a few purchases in December
Internet and CurlOn tablet
Action: Bell technician coming Nov 4. Will need to have someone onsite. Lili, Sylvain and Terry volunteered to take shifts
Code from CurlOn is required for the new tablet but not everyone received the email.
Action: Sylvain will send out another communication regarding the tablet and the contact tracing App. He will ask people to contact him if they have not received the email with their QR code from CurlOn
Centralizing member communication
Most communications should come from President but some will go out from other Board members. When sending out a communication, the members should be BCC’d
Fundraising Update
Sales are going well
Clothing sign needs to updated to include all sizes available
Deferred to next meeting
ONCA compliance
Deferred to next meeting
Action: Dianne to add Open House to next meeting agenda Next meeting Nov 30th @ 7:00 pm.