Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting December 17, 2019

Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting

Baysville Curling Club
Minutes for December 17, 2019, 7pm


Present: Sylvain Desjeans, Carol & Terry Kouyoumjian, Don Evans, Cathy Hoare, Keith Southey, Lili Davis-Burchat, Pamela & Alan Bowen

Regrets: Dianne Jones, Gerry McCall


1)    Adoption of November, 19 2019 meeting minutes—minutes were adopted and will be posted on the website


2) Treasurer update- Lili

—just under $26,100 in the bank

—Detailed report sent to board members attached

    Breakdown of utilities has been requested for future detailed report

    Request for contracts with Paypal and Stripe

    Lili to call our customer service at TD to review charges on e-transfer

    Lili to create an expense form

    Request to better understand approval of expenses and be in the loop

    What are the limits for spending which need to be define in our bylaw

    Items and events needs to be clarified and budgeted before approval

    Need to understand and identify who will have the combination to the safe


    Pamela got a the combination to the safe from the company and also the key


3) Membership report- Pamela

          2nd Draw

          —Quite a number are not curling in the second draw

               A few new members and continuing members

               Teams were finalized Dec 16 with the assumption of the time

               Some social members now want to become active players

We adopt that a social member can become an active player without financial penalty Put example (submitted by Pamela and seconded by Lili)


4) League reports - Cathy

          —2 more draws in the new year

              1 team will be sent to the Perry Sound/Muskoka

              A request of $25 was requested and approved for the PS/M bonspiel




5) Bonspiels

          —Hap & Alice: January 18th, 2020, 8 teams are registered                        

          —TimBR Mart : March 6 & 7, 2020, 12 teams, registration is now open

              Other events are to be budgeted, Lili to follow up with Lorie

              Don to verify Bonspiel registration online

              Don to manage the bonspiel prizes and food


6) Health and Safety- Carol


          Helmets are to be put downstairs, Keith to assess position

          Carol to look for first aid classes and suggest venues and cost

          Another message to go out from Carol about signing the concussion policy


7) Maintenance- Terry


          Terry to put timer for the blowers on the ice

          Terry to put a spring on the door downstairs

          Sargent to be back to check furnace on Jan 3rd

          Terry bought a new ladder

          Lane is ready to help for capital projects and will work with Terry

          Terry to investigate and present proposal for more electrical outlet

          Terry to check and review all ovens for what needs to be done


8) Capital Projects- Sylvain, Alan, Terry


          Alan to check with Peter about design and permits

          Alan to review schedule with Peter

          Need to review purchase of ovens


9) Advertising- Don


Need to pick up Sublime Printing check

Need to talk with Fowler (Nicole Goneau)

Wine Excellence to be picked up Dec 18th


10) Rentals- Keith


          7 more in the books since our last meeting


11) Bar- Gerry not here tonight

12) Kitchen- Alan


          Having more people that can manage the kitchen will relieve stress on organization around kitchen duty

          Alan to pick up some kind of gift for Lou


13) Ice maintenance- Don


          Swap the blade on the scrapper

          Ice will be flooded after Friday (Don and Alan)

Perhaps texturing the rocks after we see what it does once we start the   second draw



14) New Business


Next meeting  is January 21st at 7 pm


          Meeting was adjourned at  9:56 pm



                                                                        Respectfully submitted,


                                                                        Sylvain Desjeans


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