Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting November 19, 2019
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club
Minutes for November 19, 2019, 7pm
Present: Sylvain Desjeans, Carol & Terry Kouyoumjian, Don Evans, Cathy Hoare, Gerry McCall, Pamela & Alan Bowen
Regrets: Dianne Jones, Lili Davis-Burchat, Keith Southey
1) Adoption of October 22, 2019 meeting minutes—minutes were adopted and will be posted on the website
2) Treasurer update- Lili (read by Sylvain)
—just under $25,000 in the bank
—since April 2019 we have spent $36,000 and brought in $38,000
—we have spent about $1,700 in club repairs and maintenance
—we have spent about $3,000 on ice
—advertising revenue is starting to arrive. Deposited $1000 from Nissan. Yet to deposit $150 each from Greavette, Taylor Floors, Huntsville Honda and Muskoka Chrysler ($600)
—OCA membership invoice has arrived. $17.88+HST/curling member.
Other issues:
- Lili needs ALL debit card receipts. That includes LCBO and Beer Store. Don is great about handing in his receipts—others please comply. If you use the club debit card, Lili has to have the receipt.
- No one should be keeping club money in their home; Lili will do any “safe keeping”. However, if people take money home for some reason (not an acceptable practice), they need to leave a note in the till as to who they are and how much they have taken.
Pamela researching combination for old safe or buying a new safe.
3) Membership report- Pamela
2nd Draw
—Letter to members re 2nd Draw will go out for any changes members wish to make. Changes will be due no later than December 15th.
—Open & Close dates will be January 6th & March 13th, 2020
—Meeting to set up teams for 2nd Draw will be Monday, December 16th at 7pm at the club (Sylvain, Don, Alan Cathy and Pamela)
—Hannah will update registration procedure in consultation with Pamela
4) League reports- Cathy
—MVC bonspiel was a great success on November 16th; thank you to all involved
-—Women’s League kicked off in October with 4 teams. October to
December has been divided into 2 draws and the 2nd draw began today.
—Looking for 2 Baysville teams for the Parry Sound/Muskoka women’s bonspiel in the new year
5) Bonspiels
—Hap & Alice: January 18th, 2020, 8 teams, registration now open. Sylvain and Don will get it organized
—TimBR Mart : March 6 & 7, 2020, 12 teams, registration will open
shortly, Don will receive the registrations, no final decisions on the Saturday dinner or who will be the overall organizer of the bonspiel. The Bar will not open until 11am and drinks will be ordered by the person who will
drink it to minimize risk.
6) Health and Safety- Carol
—The new policy on Concussions with a sign-off for all members has been developed. The sign-off sheets for members and a box to put them in are on the table at the top of the stairs to the lounge. Please ask members to sign and submit. For new member registrations, there is a box to check stating members have read and understood the “Concussion Code”. They will also need to sign off at the club at the present time.
—Rental helmets have been purchased and are in the lounge with “hair covers” to be worn with them. Renters may borrow them while curling at BCC and our members can try them out as well.
—Carol will ask Keith to build a tree to hang them on.
—New grippers have also been purchased and are rink side for use. An
email went out to members reminding them to replace their grippers if
worn. Worn grippers are a major cause of falls.
—Sylvain will send out an offer to members to purchase Goldline helmets
and any other Goldline equipment or apparel through the club at a 15% discount to members and a 10% rebate to the club.
—Incidents: there have been 4 to date. Carol has completed reports and followed-up with each person. Reports will be kept in a locked file box, which has been purchased and is available in the Bar.
—A sign has been printed re helmets and grippers to be mounted at the ice entrance.
7) Maintenance- Terry and Guest Lorie Marsham
—Lorie presented flooring and paint samples for the club. It was agreed that prices need to be obtained prior to purchase. The flooring could cost up to $2.99/sq ft. It was agreed that Lorie and her committee will make the final decision on which colours to use.
—Sylvain to send out email requesting volunteers for labour.
—spring loaded door closer approved for door to the ice in the basement.
8) Capital Projects- Sylvain, Alan, Terry
—Peter Craik, Sylvain, Alan and Terry working on roof for emergency ice exit doorway and new entrance to club.
—Permit needed from LoB Twp: cost will be ~ $200.
—New cupboards for basement: Peter Craik has purchased lumber for same at $1800. Peter and Sylvain and others will do the work.
—Other items brought forward included new chairs for the lounge. The Autumn Leaves and the Community Centre are ordering new chairs at ~$30 each.
9) Advertising- Don
—all advertisers have re-purchased their advertising and Jiffy Lube has come on as a new advertiser.
10) Rentals- Keith absent, no report
—Pamela will advise Keith of social event and renovation dates so rentals will not conflict with them.
11) Bar- Gerry
—see under Bonspiels
12) Kitchen- Alan
—memo “Guide for a Safe Kitchen” posted on refrigerator in kitchen and provided to directors tonight
—training for Food Safety will be held in Baysville on December 20th, time and place TBD. Alan will recontact Hugh Knox re this.
—volunteers are still needed for the Masters, Grandmasters and bonspiels in 2020. Recruitment will be done at the training
13) Ice maintenance- Don
—everything going well, getting compliments on the ice
—considering texturing the new rocks for the 2nd draw
14) New Business
—Annual general meeting deferred until the spring 2020
—Dianne Jones was formally appointed unanimously by the Board as Secretary of the club, and Carol Kouyoumjian was formally appointed unanimously by the Board as Director for Health and Safety of the club. Both will be elected at the AGM in the spring.
—Masters and Grand Masters and in general support for food was discussed at some length. Will be a future agenda item.
—an extra meeting date for December 17th at 7pm was agreed to to discuss upcoming organization of bonspiels and capital projects.
—Lorie Marsham presented ideas re the Santa Claus Parade float on December 8th and a charcuterie board and open bar at the club afterwards, and other new future events, which she is willing to organize and host.
All ideas were favourably received by the board.
Battle of the Sexes followed by dinner on January 25, 2020, ~$25/pp
Valentine’s Dinner on February 15, 2020 ~$25/pp
Scotch Nosing on February 29, 2020 (Leap Day)
Women’s Sleep Over on March 14, 2020
Meeting was adjourned at ~ 9pm.
Next Meeting: December 17th at 7pm at the club
Respectfully submitted,
Pamela Bowen,
Director for Membership