Baysville Curling Club Annual General Meeting April 9, 2019

Present: 33 members including board members (quorum achieved)


Adoption of Agenda:

·       Motioned by Don and seconded by Sylvain.  Motion passed


Approval of Previous AGM Minutes from April 14, 2018:

·       Motioned by Don and seconded by Paul Russell.  Motion passed


Presidents report (Don):

·       Don has completed his 4th year as president and resigned as of today.  Will stay on as past president.

·       Changes to board include clearer expectations, defined duties and term lengths

·       Very successful year:  membership is up, new rocks, financials are secure, ice making was much improved, increased focus on player health and safety, purchased grippers, sliders and brooms, new dishwasher for kitchen

·       Highlights:  increased membership (due to signage), improved health and safety, emergency lighting

Thanks to:

·       Great ice making team (Don E, Alan B, Gerry M, Warren J, Andre T, Gord B, Dave M, Terry K, Len H) plus all those who sweep, pebble and nip the ice before games

·       Sponsors:  wall ads, ice ads, and sponsorships for bonspiels

·       Businesses (that contribute to prizes for bonspiels):  Dorset TimberMart, LOB brewery, and Royal LePage Realty - Arlene Arbuckle  

·       Kitchen volunteers:  for contributing to  men’s master’s and grand master’s teams and for contributing over $1500 to the club

·       Bar tender:  Gerry and all smart serve certified members

·       Rentals (Keith S) for booking rentals and ensure rental guests were well taken care of  (on weekends)

·       Women’s curling:  Janet and Cathy for keeping women’s curling in the spotlight

·       Website:  Paul Russell for website maintenance

·       Social media presence (Gord Bell):  for keeping BCC in the spotlight

·       Club members for cleaning, stocking, helping out whenever needed



·       Make a comfy seating area including satellite TV for watching curling and sports. Thanks to Keith Southey and Lori Riznek for donation of leather couch for club

·       Work with board to update and distribute the club constitution to all members, including updated job descriptions and by-laws

·       Proactive health and safety needs (procedures and policies)

·       Roof for shed to keep emergency exit doors free of ice (at ice level)

·       Club manual to guide club procedures, dates, expectations, etc.

·       Refine the club website with a new look and provider


Treasurers report (Sylvain):

·       Financial update:  Income was $55500 and expenses were $61000, due to purchase of rocks and dishwasher – club improvements.  $19000 in the bank.

·       Bar sales were over $13000 and expenses were over $7000.

·       Membership was up, general maintenance was up (dishwasher, etc.), rink maintenance was up (new brooms, grippers, siders), new rocks purchased

·       See report posted on website


Membership reports (Pamela):

·       89 total members:  70 full time curlers, and 19 social members – 6 were non-curling members.

·       15 new members this year and 4 snow birds


Health and Safety (Alan):

·       Accomplishments:  Blanket box, first aid box, accident report forms and system for monitoring accidents

·       Concussion policy:  about half of members are wearing protective head gear.  Rowan’s Law (Ontario policy) just passed recently.  Now we can formulate club policy to meet the laws in Ontario.

·       On-ice entrance to ice is a summer project

·       New director of health and safety 


Rentals (Keith):

·       Repeat renters who can’t rent at their local clubs are renting at BCC


Women’s Curling (Janet & Cathy):

·       Increased number of women curlers:  Monday afternoons average around 11-12 members.  Most are social members.  Goal is 16 members.

·       Thanks for Don and ice teams for keeping the Monday ice ready for the women.

·       Marie VanClieaf:  In-house bonspiel on November 17, 2018– Nuts & Bolts.  Men took care of the women, so they could enjoy the day.

·       Women’s inter-club organized by Cathy H.  Next year, we will host an inter-club curl in November.

·       2 teams won divisions at Parry Sound Bonspiel

·       Women’s league to start next fall (20 members)

·       Cathy H to take on Women’s league director for next year.


Ad sponsorship (Don):

·       Great revenue producer for the club

·       Look at additional ways to recognize our sponsors

·       Huge potential for growth and new sponsors.  Let Don know if local businesses are interested.

·       Les Bell (Local insurance broker - sponsor) passed away this year. 


Bar (Gerry):

·       Smart Serve Certification

o   Gerry M, Suzanne V, Liz A, Andre T, Janet P, Bill P, Al F, Barb F, June M, Al M, Hugh K and Don E

o   Anyone else wanting to be Smart-Serve Certified is encouraged to take the online course.  BCC will reimburse the fees.


Food handling certification courses required for club members volunteering in kitchen.  Offered by Muskoka Health Unit.  We require more people to take this course.  Must be renewed every 5 years.

o   June M, Gord B, Andre T, Jane T have the certification

o   Anyone else wanting to be Food Handling Certified is encouraged to take the course.  BCC will reimburse the fees.


Election of Officers to the Board (for 2019-2020 curling season):

President:  Sylvain Desjeans

President Elect:  Cathy Vanclieaf

Vice President:  Alan Bowen

Chair / Coordinator of:

·       Team for Maintenance:  Terry Kouyoumijian, Len Hoare, Peter Craik

·       Team for Food Services:  TBD

Secretary:  TBD

Treasurer:  Lili Davis-Burchat


Past President:  Don Evans 

Bar:  Gerry McCall

Director of Membership:  Pamela Bowen


Directors at Large (Coordinators for):

Men’s Curling:  Team:  Pamela Bowen, Alan Bowen, Don Evans, Hugh Knox (and Bob Lacroix for Hap and Alice Bonspiel)

Mixed Curling:  Team:  Pamela Bowen, Alan Bowen, Don Evans, Hugh Knox (and Bob Lacroix for Hap and Alice Bonspiel)

Women’s Curling:  Cathy Hoare (with Janet Prueter for Women’s Bonspiel)

Health and Safety:  TBD

Ice making:  Don Evans

Rentals:  Keith Southey

Sponsorship:  Don Evans


Vicky stepping down as secretary and Janet stepping down as Women’s Curling Director.  Thanks to both of them.


Motioned by Don and seconded by Gerry.  Motion carried.



By-Law Amendments as distributed (Alan):

1.     Creation of new Board Director:  Of Health and Safety

2.     Adaptations to voting for board members:  Phone, email, video, etc.

·       Motion to amend the constitution to ensure that the board meets face to face at least 1 x yearly to be added to revision of constitution. 

·       See attached descriptions


Motioned by Alan and seconded by Lorie Marsham.  Motion passed.


A special thanks to Don E for all he does as president of the club, as he transitions to past president role. 


Motion to close the meeting by Done E and seconded by Gord B.  Motion passed.



2018/2019 League Standings:



Draw 1

Draw 2

Monday Night Men’s

Larry C, Wayne L, Don E, Terry K

Bob L, Dale V, Alan B, Gerry M

Wednesday Afternoon Mixed

John M, Jean M, Brenda T, Murray T

Paul R, Gord B, Kristen J, Ella Mae R

Wednesday Evening Mixed

Darlene S, Keith S, Alan B, Pamela B

Darlene S, Keith S, Doug M, Ann M

Thursday Evening Mixed

Joanne K, Kristen J, Warren J, Dianne J

Suzanne V, Sylvain, D, Warren J, Dianne J

Friday Evening Mixed

Andre T, Don E, Barb A, Suzanne D

Bob L, Linda L, Peter C, Lori M

Most Improved Curler (Female):  Suzanne V

Most Improved Curler (Men):  Keith Southey

Don Smith Spirit Award:  Paul D, Rhonda D, Kendra M, Dave M


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