Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting September 24, 2019

Present: Sylvain Desjeans, Carol & Terry Kouyoumjian, Lily Davis-Burchat, Keith Southey, Don Evans, Cathy Hoare, Dianne Jones

Regrets: Cathy Vanclieaf, Gerry McCall, Pam & Al Bowen



1.     Club booking

a.     Keith was not receiving reservations on his personal computer but the issues have all been resolved

2.     Curling Ontario

a.     We are confirmed members

b.     Ramping up. They just sent some information this morning

c.     Sylvian wants to get some videos to post on the website

d.     They provided lots of information on Safety

e.     Lily will check on financial reporting recommendations

3.     Board update

a.     Cathy Vanclieaf is opting out of President elect

                                               i.     Members will be asked for a volunteer at the banquet

4.     Keys and access

a.     Don has a list of key holders but needs to validate

b.     See Terry update below

5.     Lily update

a.     Lily requires categories for reports/information needed from quickbooks.

                                               i.     Action: Will meet with Sylvian to make decision

b.     Bank changes have all been made. Lily holds the only active credit card

c.     Sylvain, Gerry, Lily  and Don have debit cards

                                               i.     Pat's card was terminated

d.     Bocci contributed $200 to the club

6.     Terry Update

a.     Decision: Terry to purchase the following items

                                               i.     Unit heater burners

                                              ii.     Needs a new ladder

                                             iii.     Cord for the scraper

b.     Action: Terry will arrange for quotes for new front doors

7.     Kitchen update

a.     Alan found the binder for the different events and will review and discuss with Cathy

8.     Carol - Health and Safety update

a.     Carol overseeing the creation of the club safety policies

b.     Investigating impacts of Rowan’s law on the club requirements

c.     Carol would like several people trained in Frist Aid and CPR

d.     Investigating Action First Aid and the local Paramedics

e.     Plan is to gather volunteers to get training and then look at the schedule to ensure we have good coverage

f.      Decision: Safety will be an agenda item at the Banquet.

                                               i.     Review policy regarding falls, helmets and first aid. Survey members for current First Aid certification status at the banquet


9.     Don – Ice update

a.     Everything on track

b.     Arena has two pipes corroding faster than expected. One is ours

c.     Cost will be between $7,000-$12,000. Scott looking for financial assistance

d.     Scott looking into grants to transition to an ammonia system. Current system is outlawed. Cost could be $300,000-$400,000. Trillium grant is a possibility.

                                               i.     Currently have enough freon to last 4-5 years

10.  Website

a.     List of spares required


11.  Misc

a.     Decision: Club will consider buying helmets from Goldline (plus hair nets). Quantity will be dependent on price. Considering 5.

                                               i.     Action: Sylvain will get pricing and will circulate the information through email to make a decision

b.     Decision: Hang a sign at the door to the ice regarding the fact that helmets and double grippers are recommended for curlers under 12, 55+ and new curlers

c.     Action: Keith to complete an inventory of all equipment on Friday Sept 27.

d.     Decision: Create a list of infrastructure updates with dates. Lily will maintain the list as a duty of the treasurer.

                                               i.     Action: Everyone to send items to Lily.

1.     Board will review at the meeting after next

e.     Club membership currently at 58

                                               i.     Action: Sylvain to send a reminder to previous members to register

f.      Superbowl does not seem to be popular. We may consider a “Battle of the Sexes” event as an additional event

g.     Decision: Club will purchase internet service through Cottage County Internet plus TSN to watch sporting events, etc. A computer would also be required because the current TV is not a SMART TV but has a USB/HDMI port.

h.     Weekly scoresheets need to be revised to make sections larger. We will find someone to create them. Consider posting it on the website.


Next meeting: October 22

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