Executive Meeting March 19, 2018
Present: Don Evans (chair), Barb Finlayson, Paul Russell, Pamela Bowen, Janet & Bill Prueter, Suzanne Villeneuve, Keith Southey, Terry Kouyoumjian, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Pat VanGeytenbeek, Bob Lacroix
Minutes from February 20, 2018 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Paul
Review of profit and loss statement
Current bank balance: approximately $25000
Taxes are already paid for April 2018
New Business:
Club Rocks:
Discussion re: type of stone to purchase
Trefor granite (from Wales) rocks with a blue hone inset, are the current rock of choice. Guaranteed for 25 years. Unanimous vote in support of this option.
Discussion re: funding the new rocks
Club will pay for the new rocks. Unanimous vote in support of this option. Don will order the new rocks.
Annual Meeting and AGM:
Saturday April 7. Drink at 5 pm and dinner at 6 pm. Members commit and pay for their Surf & Turf tickets.
Discussion of club executive for next year
Paul has asked to step down as treasurer, but will continue with website
Sylvain has volunteered to be treasurer
Lorie Craik will assist Paul with website (not as a board member)
Alan Bowen has volunteered to be vice-president
Keith Southey has volunteered to take on rental responsibilities for the club
Bill and Don will continue with advertising responsibilities
Suzanne will step down from the board
Cathy H will take on responsibility for the women’s interclub
Gerry will take on responsibilities for the bar
Bob would like some support with draw master and bonspiel responsibilities. Don to ask at AGM for volunteers.
Health and Safety at the club:
Review of Huntsville CC safety policies
Sub-committee to look at developing a package for opening banquet 2018: Pamela, Bill, Gerry, Don, Keith and Cathy H.
Signage for inside club and outside club discussed
Accessibility of side door discussed
Responsibility that often gets overlooked
Special meeting to discuss kitchen issues. Don will coordinate that meeting.
Who does what? How often?
How to make kitchen responsibilities more streamlined
Club recognition awards:
Bernie presented ideas
Suggested a past presidents board
Board approved and will work on it for opening banquet in Oct 2018
Phone / internet / satellite connection:
Someone with a Rogers’s cell phone can access club phone for $20 per month. Piggybacks onto existing account.
Internet – no need
Satellite. Pamela will try her receiver with the club TV.
Season end reflections:
More recognition for the ice management team
For next year, better organization of registration (for bonspiels) using website
Wine tasting group to be organized prior to next wine making
Reduction of plastic cup use:
We have considered and will reduce use of plastic cups
Ice Manuals:
Maintenance manuals for ice making, maintenance, etc., have been put on website (currently hidden).