Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting January 8th
BCBC Board Meeting, Jan 8, 2024
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Cathy Hoare, Bill Rowlands, Jim Rotz,
Anna Landry
Regrets: Suzanne David
Board voted via email in favour of removing Dana as a Board member as he does not attend meetings. He continues to assist in his role as for Building Maintenance Director At Large
Joan reviewed reports
We received $100 donation from Jack Gillham to purchase an item for fundraising committee
Joan paid $3K for coolant, however, we have not been given a final cost. It’s been $6K in the past. We budgeted $8.5K. Ed continues to work with Scott to get a final cost.
Wed evening proposal
Practice sessions will be offered on Wed evenings. These are meant for any intact team (such as Masters and Bonspiel teams) as well as any fully paid member (not Jitney), who brings together a team for these practice sessions.
Teams do not want instruction
Cathy and Dean will coordinate the practice sessions
No bar is expected
Members don’t pay extra
If people want to play who are not members, Cathy and Dean need to create a price and ensure people sign waivers
ONCA - Board reorganization
Bill clarified changes required
Our Letters Patent which were established in 1978 need to be changed to Articles by October 2024 as a result of ONCA
Our name and our objectives are listed in the Letters Patent. Both of which were reportedly changed by the constitution in 2021 but the Letters Patent were never changed due to financial reasons
ONCA requires us to add membership classes and voting rights to the newly established Articles.
We also need to stipulate the end dates of each membership class. i.e. either a calender year or Oct - Sept.
We could also formally change or name when we file these articles given we are already incurring charges
Articles don’t require Board structure to be stated. But bylaws must include the structure. Bylaws are subject to change in the annual meeting
Goal is to put the minimum requirement into the articles to keep flexible for future years
Goal today is to define the organization structure that would be included in the by-laws
Org design discussion
Legally, we need a President and Secretary
A good reality test of the proposed structure would be to think of 3 names for each box to see if the design makes sense If we can’t come up with potential names, it may mean the structure won’t work
Finances - Could have an assistant that does bookkeeping to help take the load off the prime but they would not be a Board member
After much discussion, the Board agreed on 8 Board members for the future BCBC Board which will be part of the by-laws and can be changed on a yearly basis with a vote from the membership
All current Board members will create a more detailed 8 person structure and email to Ed by Jan 15
Club name
The only feedback we received was from Linda who referenced the changing of the Library name a few years ago from Baysville LIbrary to Lake of Bays LIbrary
Board voted unanimously to change the name to Lake Of Bays Curling & Bocce Club
This change will be put to a member vote at the Spring AGM
There will be several costs including the logo change, etc.
Marketing videos
Michael Davis-Burchat offered to create videos for various uses by the Board, including Marketing
Board approved. Dianne will advise
Next step is that he will meet with Ed and Ahne to determine what is needed from the Board and Club: such as highlighting a Sponsor, etc. Jim can help.
Ahne created a new "Baysville Curling and Bocce Club 2024" Facebook Page. Details are in an envelope in the safe
Ahne could not properly set up a new Instagram page using Baysville Curling and Bocce Club 2024 as we hoped. Instagram would not let her, as someone set up an Instagram account in 2017 using Baysville Curling Club (we cannot determine the owner or get rights to post / update). She did set one up using LOBs Curling and Bocce Club, but it will not be used until our name change is approved.
Communicate Club Name Change that will be voted on at the April AGM
Ahne to advise membership of the new Facebook page
Dehumidifier update
Club cleaning
Sponsorship thank you plaques and postcards
Member of the year
Define membership class(s)
Stephen Derraugh attending Tuesday April 2