Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting February 5th
BCBC Board Meeting, February 5, 2024
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Jim Rotz, Anna Landry, Suzanne David
Regrets: Cathy Hoare
Joan reviewed the Statement of Financial Position and Statement of Profit & Loss Budget vs Actual.
Current expenses of note include $1,070 CurlOn fee (a 110% increase), $2 per member Curling Canada fee, Interim Property Taxes and the CurlOn loan payment due at the end of March of $7,036.
A further 90 day renewal of the GIC was approved.
Ontario Trillium Foundation
Joan had provided background that the Trillium Grant application was looking for each applicant to have a Financial Management Policy and a Conflict of Interest Policy.
Draft policies prepared by Joan and reviewed by Ed, Bill and Suzanne were presented.
Financial Management Policy, as amended, was approved.
Conflict of Interest Policy, as amended, was approved.
Suzanne provided background on some of the changes to the process and application. Accessibility is seen as a key factor for grant applications. We can frame our proposed washroom work as phase 1 of a longer term accessibility goal. Our social events that involved the community were seen as helpful to the application.
Timing of the flooring work discussed. It was determined to take the main level flooring work out of the application as it is going ahead before we hear about the grant. Suzanne to determine if foundation repair costs would be eligible. Suzanne briefly reviewed the other priorities and will prepare a summary of what is to be included in the grant application for comment by Board members.
The current dishwasher is no longer functioning adequately. Suzanne, Cathy and Ed have looked at options. Suzanne reviewed the Stero SUH model (distributed by Hobart) with the Board. Total cost $6,000 plus tax and the cost of the base, as required (cost of base estimated as up to $1,500). It may be possible to use the current base. The dishwasher can use our racks.
Anna proposed the purchase be approved, seconded by Suzanne. Approved. Ed to finalize the quote and order. It is in stock.
Club Cleaning
Bill referred to the email he had circulated and provided background as to Liz Anderson and Kristy MacKlaim providing quotes.
Dianne proposed to hire Liz Anderson. Joan seconded, Approved. Once every two weeks, generally sequenced after bonspiels. Once a month during bocce season. Additional cleans as necessary. Bill to contact Liz to engage her and Bill to advise Kristy of the decision.
Fundraising Update
The previously circulated report from Elaine Rowlands (chair of Fundraising Committee) was tabled. Copy attached.
Ed to do a note to the fundraising committee to express gratitude and to note that the fact of having social events will assist on the Trillium Foundation grant.
Finalize Board Structure
Ed had provided an updated draft Organizational Chart.
Changes were discussed including naming the last position as Vice-President.
Dianne proposed to accept the chart, as amended. Suzanne seconded. Approved.
Ed to circulate the revised Organizational Chart.
Define membership class(es) and other ONCA Items
Bill had circulated draft Articles of Amendment and By-Laws to bring us into conformity with the Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act (“ONCA”). ONCA will apply to the Club on October 19, 2024 and our governing documents need various changes to confirm. CurlON has a template. Ed had contacted local clubs and obtained the By-laws from Huntsville CC (in force), Gravenhurst CC (proposed) and South Muskoka (proposed). In each case they have generally followed the CurlOn / Govt of Ontario template. The draft By-laws prepared by Bill followed the CurlOn template as well as bringing forward current Club requirements that would be in compliance with ONCA.
Membership classes were discussed and it was decided to propose three classes with voting rights as follows:
Curling with full voting rights
Bocce with voting rights on matters that relate exclusively to bocce or will have a material impact on bocce, as determined by the Board.
Social - no voting rights
The current $10,000 threshold for member approval on costs was discussed. Given inflation over time it was decided to propose that this be increased to $15,000.
Bill asked that Board members give any other comments or questions on the items raised in his email (or any other concerns) by the end of the week and he would then prepare revised drafts of the Articles and By-laws.
Sponsorship Thank You Plaques and Postcards
The planned Sponsorship plaques will not be proceeded with until the name change is put to members.
Member of the Year
The Board discussed ways to recognize contributions as people retire from significant duties. Having a Member of the Year or a Pillar of the Club honour were raised. It was decided not to consider these further at this time. The Club will look at ways to participate in Township and Ministry of Citizenship volunteer recognition programs.
Practice First Succession Planning
Dianne to follow up further with Alan and Michael. Anna to send out a list of current participants for Board members to consider if there are any potential candidates there. Dianne will approach one potential candidate.
Reminder of ability to donate through the Trust Fund to year end.
AGM hold the date for important matters.
Reminder of upcoming events including Trivia Night, Cabaret, Timbermart and Port Cunnington end of year bonspiel.
Items for Agenda for March Board Meeting
AGM Agenda
Potential Candidates for Board and other leadership roles
Fundraising Committee Attachment
Fundraising Profits for August 2023 – Jan 22, 2024
Profit to Date:
Income: $1470
Expenses: $ 912.36
Total Profit: $557.64 minus HST
Port Cunnington Lodge Dinner Raffle: $335
Total to date Sept. 2023 $892.64
Music Night: $650
Grey Cup: $273 + $50 (bar)
Total: to date Dec. 5, 2023 $973.00 + 892.64 = $1865.64
Poinsettias: $744.65
Trivia: $430 + bar $50
PCL dinner raffle (December): $360
Elaine’s chocolate: $200
Total to date Jan. 9, 2024 $1784.65+ 1865.64= 3650.29
Scotch nosing:
Income: 1100.00 + 145 (sale of left over scotch) = 1245.00
Expenses: 451.53 + 170 (Lorie’s charcuterie) = 621.53
Total Profit 1240 – 621.53 = $618.47 + 12 (from bar sales)
To Date Jan. 22, 2024 3650.29+ 630.47 = 4280.76
Upcoming events:
Valentine Raffle: Feb. 14th Estimated profit ?
Trivia Night: Feb. 14th. Estimated profit $400.00
Cabaret: May 4th Estimated profit. ???