Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting January 24, 2023
BCBC Board Meeting, January 24, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare
Regrets: Dana Pearson, Suzanne David
Financial Update
Joan reviewed the financials. Very positive
She estimates that our cash flow (after paying back the LOB loan) will be $17K by the end of March - (Attachments 1 & 2)
$1,000 Budget propane refund
Overpayment made in 2020
Board reviewed some ideas of how we can spend this windfall
Action: Jim will research cost of two stoves
Action: Ed will ask Dana to inspect the dishwasher and decide if he can fix or we need to call Hobart to service
Action: A community member has volunteered to make a bench for the men's locker room. Tom Priest has donated some cedar. Joan will pursue to find out their budget needs
Vacuum purchase will be postponed until our Strategic planning meeting when we create a list of overall spending/capital needs
Membership update - (Attachments 3 & 4)
Membership is consistent over the last few years
2nd draw membership should be opened earlier and closed before xmas based on our experience this year when we closed Dec 31 which didn’t leave a lot of time to create teams
Next season consider
Offering another afternoon league next season
Using first names only for name tags
Green and Inclusive Community Buildings Program
Defer to February meeting
The arena may be able to provide us with power.
We may want to consider inviting Scott to a meeting when we discuss this issue
LOB Draft Recreation strat plan
LOB requesting comments by Jan 31
This is a great opportunity to highlight that they could be including private clubs as part of LOB offerings. (Tennis, sailing, Bocce, Curling, PickleBall, etc)
Action: Bill will create a few paragraphs that Jim will submit on behalf of our club. Our input will also be sent directly to Stephen and Brian Brown (CAO) who we are working with at LOB township
LOB Business Development meeting and Website Concept - (Attachment 5)
Goal is to get LOB township to support BCBC similar to the Gravenhurst model.
Gravenhurst township supports curling because if helps to create the concept of an active community with activities
We would like BCBC listed in the LOB website directly below library and skating
Action: Jim continues to meet with LOB township
Gravenhurst L2C program (Attachment 5)
Gravenhurst program runs for an entire draw
Key driver of increasing their membership
Works best when new member is referred by a current member (refer a friend program)
Will be discussed further during our strategic planning session in April
Smoke alarm and Safe donation from First Alert (Attachment 5)
Smoke alarms
Great opportunity to raise our profile
Will be discussed during our Strategic planning session
May 24 event could be effective as people open their cottages
Action: Jim will meet with Gary Manahan to discuss the opportunity
Can be available for bonspiels and surf and turf
Acton: Consider selling to members. Jim will recommend a price
Letter of thanks has been sent to First Alert
We will acknowledge First Alert in any and all media associated with the distribution of the donated equipment
Fire extinguishers are out of date.
Action: Anna and Bill will follow-up. Jim may be able to get new fire extinguishers at a reasonable cost
Kitchen - Food allergies
Peanut allergy was acknowledged on a recent bonspiel registration but the info was not passed along to the kitchen staff. There was food served with peanuts and was not identified
Dean is monitoring the TimberMart registrations
If someone identifies they have an allergy, we will state that we will have options available for them but we can’t guarantee that there won’t be an allergen in the club
Consider posting a sign
Consider an alert be triggered if an allergy is triggered
We may want to benchmark this issue with other clubs
Practice First & Learn To Curl update
7 people took LTC
4 became Jitney members after their session
Al Bowen will not be leading PF sessions due to a medical condition.
First PF session will be January 28 due to bonspiels in early January
Surf and Turf update
June 24
Financial model - split between Curling club and Riverfront group is under review by Wayne and Cathy
Considering DIY Lobsters at the same time
2 lobster pots required.
Dianne made a motion virtually on January 11, 2023 to approve $600 for 2 lobster pots and burners. Ed seconded. Vote was unanimous. Motion passed
Pots weren’t purchased because the sale ended. Dale will continue to look for a sale
Key committee roles have been confirmed
Meeting first Wednesday of every month
Action: Board would like to receive committee minutes monthly
Fundraising Update
To date since September we have raised approximately $2400.
The upcoming fundraisers are Bingo, Super Bowl Pool, Paint and Sip, Trivia, Charcuterie raffle, and possibly another music night in May.
Optimistically and conservatively each of those averages $300. That would be about $1400-1500 not including Music night. Our last music night brought in about $1100. So if that is again the case our after Christmas total could be about another $2500.
Dinner Theater opportunity
Dianne and Elaine are meeting with DOT promotions tomorrow regarding a potential summer performance
$75/ticket. They get $40, we get $35 minus dinner expenses. $10 profit x 50 people = $500 x 2 performances = $1,000
Need to find out what kind of commitment they need from us (ie deposit)
Action: Ahne and Phil can also deliver a performance for us and can provide in spring and fall vs summer. Joan will ask Ahne to present their proposal at the next Board meeting
Club banner (we use during parades, etc) needs to be changed to include Bocce. Defer to Strategic planning meeting
Consider changing the club name to Lake of Bays Curling Club. Defer to Strategic Planning meeting
Big thank you to Cathy for the FIRST women’s competitive bonspiel which was a great success
Add Bocce pricing on April agenda
Bill to summarize the number of fall incidents and the results (while respecting privacy) at the end of the season
Deferred items
Green and inclusive communities - February 21
Phil and Ahn theater proposal - February 21
Formal bonspiel report from Andre (Hap and Alice) and Cathy (Living the Dream) - February 21
Potential Horseshoe league - March 28
Formal TimberMart bonspiel report from Dean - March 28 meeting
Marketing video - Strategic Planning session in April
Potential legal name change and email address changes - Strategic Planning in April
TD Bank credit card and debit. Consider moving to a local credit union
BCBC Non-Board Positions Roles and Responsibilities
Bonspiel Leader, Internal Communications, Fundraising Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Ice Team Leader, Mens league?