Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting February 21, 2023
BCBC Board Meeting, February 21, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Cathy Hoare, Suzanne David
Regrets: Dana Pearson, Jim Rotz
Financial update - Attachment 1
Financials are very positive.
Will continue to monitor if/when we can repay the LOB loan
Currently only costing us $45/month in interest
Action: Dianne to send Barb Finlayson an email regarding what Home Depot is doing with their damaged inventory from the fire. We are hoping to purchase some inventory (such as a stove) at a deep discount
Green and inclusive communities - Attachment 2 & 3
We have just received confirmation of a file number from our application that was submitted in 2022
We will wait to see if we receive any money before making a decision to proceed
Some concerns have been raised about the operation of the dehumidifier.
Action: Ed will contact Dana regarding having the company return to check the machines operation
March 11 Funspiel
Alan and Michael are planning the day
Ice out plan plus league end dates
Leagues will be finished by March 10. Several league schedules went past March 10 in error
Cathy has notified the ladies that the schedule was incorrect and the last game on the schedule has been canceled
Action: Anna will email the Friday night league members notifying them of the cancellation of the last game on the schedule
Action: Ed will contact the ice making team to create a plan for taking the ice out
Closing banquet format and agenda items
Agenda items
Financials, including the loan status
Membership report including the number of new members
Update on strategic plan including survey completion
Need for S&T volunteers
Thank volunteers
Action: Celebrate successes of the year/year in review. Anna to begin creating
Dianne to ask Ahne to create a powerpoint
Display on the TV
Scroll names of league winning teams
Practice First and LTC highlights
Bonspiels and fundraising events
Corporate Sponsorship and Facility rental yr/yr revenue increase
Recognize volunteers
No prizes for the winning teams
Pot luck format
Fundraising update
Fundraising profits:
Bingo: $300 profit plus bar profit ($90)--$390
Paint and Sip: $450 plus bar profit (?)
Super Bowl Pool: $110
Upcoming events
Trivia night - Feb 28
Bingo - March 30
Dinner Theatre - April 29 & potentially Oct
Charcuterie Board draw
Potential Dinner Cruise draw
Suggestion for a Kentucky Derby event was decided against
Music night on hold
S&T update
We will borrow the Lions Club BBQ as a second BBQ
Financial model hasn't been finalized
Still considering DIY lobsters
Huntsville CC wants to learn from us.
Price has not been set. We are awaiting beef pricing from a variety of suppliers.
$9.99 from Toronto Danforth butcher
Working on getting volunteers
Strategic planning session - May 4
Validate Mission Statement
Capital spending
Grant application priorities
Name of the organization
Organizational structure.
Increasing membership
Onboarding new members
Marketing video
Practice First
Volunteering strategy
Need to define what we want to be
Ed asked us to think about what are we hoping to have at the end of our Strategic
Planning session
Action: Ed and Dianne will create a draft agenda
Upcoming communications
Upcoming fundraisers
Closing banquet and AGM will be highlighted in the monthly newsletter
Action: Send a formal email two weeks prior to the AGM inviting members to the AGM - Dianne
Next meeting
March 28
Deferred items
Potential Horseshoe league - March 28
TD Bank credit card and debit. Consider moving to a local credit union
BCBC Non-Board Positions Roles and Responsibilities
Bonspiel Leader, Internal Communications, Fundraising Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Ice Team Leader, Mens league?