Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting December 13, 2022

BCBC Board Meeting, December 13, 2022

Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare,
Regrets: Dana Pearson, Suzanne David

VP Vote results

  • 42 positive votes and 1 abstain. Congratulations to Jim Rotz 3who is our new VP


  • Joan circulated current statements - Profit and Loss - Budget vs Actual as well as the Statement of FInancial Position. (Attachments 1)

  • Joan investigated a TD Line of credit

    • Two options,

      • Someone would be required to secure the amount or

      • Club would need to have the liquidity to match

    • In both cases the following is required

      • $500 application fee

      • Commercial property assessment $3,500-$5,000

      • $25/month administration fee

      • Variable interest rate

    • The alternative suggested by the bank was to apply for a loan when we need money. It would take two weeks to process

    • No action to be taken at this time

  • We have applied for an HST number and will need to charge HST as of December 15, 2022 on all sales. We will not increase our membership or bar pricing for the winter draw but will need to reassess beginning in the 2023-2024 season.

  • Action: Ed will follow-up with Scott regarding the brine bill

  • Action: Need to add Jim on the bank account

Practice First and Learn to Curl update

  • PF and LTC will be operated as two separate programs however Alan and Michael will manage/administer both programs.

    • Leslie is only interested in instructing and not any admin work

  • LTC has been tentatively scheduled for January 4, 6 & 7. Alan and Michael would like to attend these sessions even just to observe. This will help with the transition (if any) from LTC to PF. Alan or Michael will contact Leslie to discuss their role in assisting with the January LTC sessions. (ie Leslie doesn't instruct on stick use).

  • Action: Alan and Michael would like to see the number of trainers grow. Board supports this request. Ed will contact CurlOn to investigate

  • Michael and Alan will meet in January to discuss the vision for PF going forward. This will be followed by a larger planning session in April attended by Dianne and a few of the PF members. The vision is to create a roadmap that includes a high level budget that Dianne will present to the Board who can advise when funding can be allocated, etc.

  • Dianne, Michael and Alan will meet in July/August timeframe to discuss 2023/2024 planning.

  • Action: LTC is being used successfully by other clubs to attract new members. Consider promoting LTC through the Township’s recreation calendar or include it in the tax bill. Jim will begin to research and Ed will speak with Scott. (Attachment 2)

Closing banquet and fun bonspiel?

  • Action: Board supported the suggestion from Michael and Alan to hold a closing funspiel on March 11. Dianne to advise Michael and Alan

  • Action: The AGM and Pot Luck will be held on April 15. Dianne add to calendar

Draw 2 registration update

  • Email is drafted and will go out this week. Website is being updated

Dehumidifier installation on Dec 16

  • Len and Dana are meeting the installers.

  • Cimco will connect electrical

  • Project we will be under $60K budget

Surf and Turf

  • Cathy needs a strong second. Jim is considering

  • First planning meeting is January 11

Adding to SQUARE the ability to add a tip to bar transactions.

  • Ed made a motion to add tip to Square. Dianne seconded. Motion passed

Lot behind curling club

  • Lot not for sale so it's not a possibility for horseshoes

Time limit on league games

  • As a result of feedback from several members, the Board would like to reinforce the historical rule that the 6th and 8th end cannot be started if the game has gone over the time limit. Anna will create the wording and add to schedules and add to the January newsletter

    • No end can start after 2 hours in an 8 hour end and 1.5 hrs in a 6 end game 2

Strategic planning timing

  • Thursday May 4, 9-2. Include complimentary catered lunch

  • Action: Dianne will research format and build agenda with Ed

  • Consider including 1-2 members

  • Create a SWOT based on member feedback from a survey

    • Working well, not working, suggestions for improvement

  • Action: Send survey out at the end of the draw and keep it open through AGM. Dianne to create survey

Revenue generation idea

  • Consider offering team building to Corporations.

    • Meeting, lunch and curling for a set fee.

      • Option to include LTC training

Communications - Action

  • Hap and Alice - Dianne tonight

  • Membership registration communication - Anna tomorrow

  • VP announcement - Ed 3 days

  • HST communication - Joan next week

    • We are now required to pay HST. We do not foresee implementing any changes during this next draw and will be assessing the impact (if any) next year.

  • Dianne will notify Linda that the Board recommends that an etiquette section be added to each newsletter

Deferred items

  • TD Bank credit card and debit. Consider moving to a local credit union

  • PayPal

  • ONCA

  • BCBC Non-Board Positions Roles and Responsibilities

    • Bonspiel Leader, Internal Communications, Fundraising Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Ice Team Leader, Mens league?

  • Surf and Turf - January 17

  • Potential legal name change and email address changes - February 23

  • Potential Horseshoe league - March 2

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