Special Executive Meeting October 27, 2017

Present: Don Evans (chair), Paul Russell, Pamela Bowen, Bob Lacroix, Suzanne Villeneuve, Barb Finlayson, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)

Regrets: Pat VanGeytenbeek, Janet & Bill Prueter, Terry Kouyoumjian, Keith Southey


The motion to apply for a corporate credit card was raised and discussed. This would allow the cardholder to make purchases within the club up to our secured limit. The purchases would be paid immediately by the club treasurer online so that no interest charges would accumulate. This would alleviate the burden for individual board members who are expected to purchase on behalf of the club and then seek reimbursement. This credit card would be secured by its credit limit. Motion was approved by the board. 

The motion to decrease signatures on cheques from 2 to 1 signatures was raised and discussed. Currently it's any 2 of 3 signatures. This allows payment by cheque when it can be difficult to find a second signature and also allows for the treasurer to pay bills online which is much more convenient. Motion was approved by the board. 

Both motions were submitted to all board members on October 26, 2017 via email, and no objections were received to either motion.

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