Executive Meeting November 21, 2017
Present: Don Evans (chair), Paul Russell, Pamela Bowen, Janet & Bill Prueter, Suzanne Villeneuve, Keith Southey, Bob Lacroix, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Pat VanGeytenbeek, Terry Kouyoumjian, Barb Finlayson,
Minutes from October 17, 2017 reviewed, edited and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Paul
See report on website
Bar updated to + $1344.00
Advertising updated to +$1850.00
3 outstanding ad revenues to be collected
Balance as of today is $28878.32
Recent bank visit:
Only 1 of 3 people required to sign cheques
Business credit card applied for and received
2 debit cards applied for and received
Allows for online payments, e-transfers and members don’t have to use their own funds for club purchases
Website Update: Paul
Go to Home page regularly for updated information
Members without computer access are getting info via phone calls
Mail Chimp is used for full club emails
Membership Report: Pamela
70 members including 8 social members, 8 snowbirds for draw 1 and 2 snowbirds for draw
Social members must pay the $10 social membership fee
League Sections:
Bob: all draws going well
Interclub event held on November 6, 2017 went well with 8 teams participating.
Next interclub is on either January 15 or 22, 2018.
Marie Vanclieaf has been cancelled due to lack of registrations.
Monday curling is at 11 to 15 curlers weekly and going well.
Maintenance: Don
Don, Alan B, Brent and Al M looked at the ice scraper and honed and sharpened the blade.
Ice is being scraped 3 x weekly.
Canada curling to re-hone and straighten the scraper in December. Don to bring it in.
Vent hole has been cut out of rug in lounge
Advertising: Bill
All but one advertiser has been contacted. Bill to connect with Cast Iron re: renewel of advertising
Rentals: Don
Montessori school rents the ice for 3 consecutive Friday’s in November (annually)
Lake of Bays rental on Dec 20, 2017
Boxing day rental, New Year’s Day rental and Landry family bonspiel are booked
Shriners bonspiel at end of March 2018 is a possible rental
Bar: Pat
No report
Health inspection: Bar glass compliance issue has been addressed via instructions to wash the glasses in the 3-sink method in the kitchen. Signs to be posted.
Kitchen: Barb
Barb and Nancy reorganizing the kitchen
New Business:
Santa Clause Parade (Don):
Don to connect with Joy (parade coordinator), on December 10, 2017
Members can walk in the parade, carry a banner, and hand out candy
Grey Cup Party (Bob):
November 26, 2017
Apps and desserts to be done
Wine Pub Endorsement for Club
Wine Excellence (sponsor) will set up and make wine for our club for $7.75 per bottle. They will cover the cost of the annual alcohol testing. Pinot Grigio (white)and Cab Sauvignon (red).
We need an endorsement from the AGCO prior to proceeding. Don has already applied.
Will save money and increase profits.
We need to design our own label.
Next meeting: February 20, 2018 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2018.