Executive Meeting September 19, 2017
Present: Don Evans (chair), Pamela Bowen, Paul Russell, Janet & Bill Prueter, Pat VanGeytenbeek Suzanne Villeneuve, Keith Southey, Barb Finlayson, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Bob Lacroix, Al Finlayson, Terry Kouyoumjian, Barb Armour
Minutes from August 22, 2017 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Paul Russell
$30 000+ in the bank as of today
Membership Report: Pamela Bowen
53 early bird membership registrations received so far
3 new members so far
League Sections:
Women’s League:
Joanne Krawczyk will coordinate Monday curling, and one other volunteer is needed
Suzanne Villeneuve will coordinate interclub curling
Janet Prueter will chair Marie VanClieaf Bonspiel on Nov 25, 2017.
Final installation of steel roofing will be completed on Oct 2, 2017.
Carpet has replaced been replaced at outside entry
New vacuum head plus attachments is $450.00 plus $150 service call and $78.00 HST. Approved by board
Advertising: Don Evans and Bill Prueter
10 of 16 sponsors have been contacted and are continuing to sponsor. Some new signs are requested.
Rentals: Don Evans
1 rental is booked for Sat January 27, 2018
Bar: Pat VanGeytenbeek
Liquor licence has not yet been received, but we have a letter stating that we are able to sell alcohol until the licence is received.
Kitchen: Barb Finlayson
Nancy V will assist Barb with kitchen responsibilities
Barb to organize kitchen cleaning prior to start of season
New Business:
Curling Rock Assessment:
Keith took the rocks to Canada Rocks for assessment.
Running surface on rocks is in good shape and within specs. Bottoms can be reground to assist with the curl.
Strike band cannot be repaired
Blue hone granite rocks have not been made since early 1960’s, therefore have a higher trade in value depending on our purchase.
Refurbished rocks (guaranteed for 25 years) can be purchased for $150 per rock (after trade-in) and new rocks for $500 per rock (after trade-in)
We have up to 5 years use left in these rocks.
Canada Rocks has lots of refurbished rocks in stock
Pat reviewed that we can retexture our rocks using a jig and sandpaper, and the process is quite easy. Jig can be purchased for about $150 plus the cost of sandpaper. Board approved the purchase and Pat will purchase.
Ice Making Schedule:
Warm weather and warm nights may be problematic
Compressor to start 24 hours daily as of Wednesday Sept 20, 2017
Pat made a motion to donate $300 to the township to help offset electrical costs. This is a one-time only donation. Board approved donation.
Ice making to start on Friday Sept 22, 2017
AED Training:
Don to arrange for CPR / AED training for a Tuesday evening at end of Oct or early Nov 2017
Club Signage:
Don suggested adding a sign at the road entrance which includes our website address, and will get a quote for a 4 x 1-foot sign.
Additional signage suggested for front door to club which included our logo. Don to get a quote.
Discussion about locked mailbox at club for payments, etc. Paul to investigate.
Opening Banquet:
Saturday October 14 ,2017 at 5 pm
Potluck plus ham (Barb F to purchase)
Paul will present budget
Tankard committee will attend from 5-6 to provide information and to solicit additional volunteers
Next meeting: October 17, 2017 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2018.