Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting April 14, 2021
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2021
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Pam & Al Bowen, Sylvain Desjardins, Cathy Hoare, Terry & Carol Kouvoumjian, Dianne Jones, Don Evans, Keith Southy
We have $2,600.00 plus $700 in cash donations. Taxes due this month are $1,100.00 and the first installment for our accounting firm is $500.00.
Next tax bill due in July.
Curling registration for 2021-2022 season could begin in August
Action: Sylvain will send out a communication this week that includes the by-laws and constitution. It will advise members that they have an opportunity to vote on both documents. The communication will also advise them that they need to be a social member in order to vote. Meeting via google meets will be held on May 3. Vote will be taken via email on May 4.
Potential meeting agenda
Review constitution and bylaws highlights and a brief financial update. Also, Sylvain will remind people that they can donate and receive a receipt
$300 will be the new yearly membership fee.
Plan will be to apply for grants as well as additional fundraising to assist with shortfalls
Thomas Kriens-Larose has been confirmed as our new accountant
Cathy V has volunteered to coordinate a Lobster sale
Action: Pamela will advise Cathy V to proceed with engaging a committee
Pamela, Dianne and Lili will volunteer to assist
Dianne will reignite the fundraising committee to decide what events we would like to move forward. The Board has suggested we consider hosting another auction.
Action: Pipes will be inspected by the Arena folks. Don to follow-up.
Need to know the results
Action: Sylvain to pick up the Christmas lights
Action: Al to check with the insurer regarding the club visit schedule starting in May.
Next meeting date: May 12, 2021