Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting January 20, 2021
Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting
Baysville Curling Club – Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2021
Attendees: Lili Davis-Burchat, Pam & Al Bowen, Sylvain Desjardins, Cathay Hoare, Terry & Carol Kouvoumjian, Dianne Jones, Don Evans
Regrets: Keith Southy
The online auction will be held from Feb 1-15. We have 42 items to date. Auction has the potential to raise $4K but will most likely raise between $2K-$3K
Auction will be held on our website and any member of the community can make a bid. You don’t have to be a curling member
Our Charitable Donation application has been approved by The Ontario Curling Association. We should get final approval by the end of this month
We currently have $3,400.00. Bocce club has $2,000.00
Consider charging Bocce members a fee to support club maintenance
Consider asking the township for forgiveness on our property taxes. Action: Sylvain will speak with Bob Lacroix to get a sense of the feasibility
Consider pursuing government funding for utilities and property taxes
Lili has sent our financial information to the accountant for processing
Updated Bylaws and Constitution
The revisions that were made to the Bylaws and Constitution were accepted by all Board members by an unanimous vote
Agreement was made to send the revised documents to the members and take a vote
First step will be to ask the members to become social members. Following that campaign we will send the revised Bylaws and Constitution to them for a vote
We would like to have the vote before Bocce begins
Next meeting date: February 17, 2021