Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting October 2nd

BCBC Board Meeting, Oct 2, 2023

Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Cathy Hoare, Suzanne David

Regrets: Bill Rowlands, Jim Rotz, Dana Pearson

Finances (Attachment 1 & 2)

  • We have received feedback that people still don’t understand our finances. In order to address this issue we will:

    • Add a financial corner to the newsletter

    • Include a financial overview at the Opening Meeting

  • Brokerlink (our insurance company) reclassified our building based on the spring inspection, from a non-flammable to a semi-flammable building which puts us in a different insurance category. Our fee will increase from $8K to $12K.

    • Joan requested a report from the spring inspection that the insurance company completed

    • We will take action based on the report. Possible actions include getting quotes from other insurance companies and/or upgrading the club to get reclassified back to a non-flammable building by adding non-flammable drywall, etc.

  • Resilient communities grant (if we are successful) will cover the cost of a study to determine what would be the best solution to make the building accessible.

Membership update

  • Two options to consider for Friday are:

    • A 6 end league on Friday

    • Starting at 6:00pm

  • 9 LTC registrations

  • 13 Practice First

  • Suzanne will ask for the curling registration announcement to be put back onto the

Community electronic sign

  • Anna will look to see who is missing from previous years registrations and contact them to see if they still want to join

  • Weekly promotion through social media is recommended for next year

Ice installation update

  • Installation date will start Oct 12 based on the delay of the new ice system at the arena

  • Installation team has a plan to compress the installation time which includes 4:30 am flooding starts

  • The plan is to finish by Oct 24 but with a very tight schedule

Ice Quality team update

  • Jet Ice, the water filtration system, is being installed this week

  • Boot cleaner will be ordered

Flooring update emailed by Jim

  • Jim emailed the Board a quote he received for luxury vinyl flooring.

    • We have received other quotes with a similar price to the quote Jim received

  • We prefer to order from a sponsor

  • Board will consider a suggestion to install new flooring in a path between the front entrance stairs across to the ice stairs to decrease sand on the ice.

  • Joan cleaned the carpets with her personal carpet cleaner. Bill has arranged for the carpets to be cleaned on Oct 16 & 17, Ed will contact Busy Lizzie to postpone the carpet cleaning

  • Ed will get an estimate to rent an industrial size vacuum cleaner to get rid of the sand and will email the Board to make a decision

Opening meeting topics

  • Welcome

  • Financial Update - Better than a year ago, but still have a huge loan, etc.

  • Membership update

  • Health and Safety

  • Ice Making and maintenance

League Coordinators

  • Defer to email once registration is complete

Find an organizer for Dec 2 Hap and Alice bonspiel

  • Ed will ask Mike and Martha to coordinate

Marie Vanclieaf bonspiel

  • On hold for this year due to lack of a leader

Learn to Curl - (Attachment 3)

  • 9 LTC registrations

  • Dianne made a motion to approve the purchase of 10 new grippers at an approximate cost of $200. Jim seconded. Motion passed.

35-50 group curlers

  • Set a date for an Open House to determine their needs

    • Cathy will suggest a few dates to the group

  • The Open House will be utilized to determine their needs which we can use for the winter draw


  • It would be ideal if Ahne could take over the non-club Facebook pages replacing Suzanne. Ed will ask Ahne.


  • Create a plan to update the membership on the status of our strategic plan priorities

  • Delay of ice installation. Ed to email the membership

    • Commissioning of new system is delayed.

    • Need additional volunteers due to shorter time frame

Sponsorship update (via email from Jim)

  • The process is going well.

  • A few of last years sponsors have declined

  • The new Sponsor efforts are going well but we have limits.

  • The LOB Business Directory reveals that Dwight has many more businesses than Baysville and unlike our 2 (two) sheet Muskoka Curling Clubs, we don’t have Banks or Grocery stores or Lumber Yards, etc.

  • The ones we approached from the Directory were not positive. Most didn’t even reply.

  • We have the majority of business in Baysville but the size of the pool is very small.

  • Will provide a recommendation or three after we sum up the situation in early November.

Next meeting date - Nov 6 10-Noon

Deferred to Nov 6

  • Garden show fundraiser

  • Ahne's fundraising suggestions

  • Kitchen rules

  • Sponsorship update

  • Prioritize capital requirements. Suzanne will send out the last list from the grant submission

  • Potential external communications role and who would be the right prime

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