Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting September 5th
BCBC Board Meeting, September 5, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare
Regrets: Suzanne David, Dana Pearson
There were no questions regarding the financial reports (Attachments 1-3)
Joan transferred $25K to a GIC at 4.2%. Comes due in mid November
All past and future expenses were aligned with expectations with the exception of the ice painting (see below)
Final tax bill $1,215.00
Repaid ½ of LOB loan $4,380.00
Sharpened ice blades. $767 + HST (CurlOn initiative)
Ice water treatment system delivered today (see ice quality below) $2,300
Deposit of $2,406 for furnace
Volunteer CurlOn training for ice installation and maintenance $440 for 4 people
Opening Meeting Date
Changed meeting date from Sat Oct 21 to Fri Oct 13
Ice quality and implementation
Ice Quality
Water treatment system should arrive today
Needs to be in place so the furnace can get installed.
Furnace being installed Sept 27 & 28
Dean needs a table in the water room. Perhaps repurpose one of the laminated tables in the basement
On demand water heater is being considered to improve ice quality. Approx $200
Will be purchasing the boot cleaner
Implementation plan
Ice painting will cost $700-$800. Not in budget.
Targeting Oct 1 for ice installation (delayed from end of Aug & then Sept 11)
Gives us 18 days to get our ice ready. Will be tight
Last day of adding ice sponsorship would be between Oct 3-10
Should add this to the planning calendar next year
Ed will be sending out a request for volunteers to the members
Increase membership
Flyers have gone out
Social media needs to be ongoing and regular
League coordinators
Anna suggests we have a prime contact for each league
Anna will make a list of duties such as; Focal point for communication, H&S form completion if there is an accident, front door key code, weather decision, pebble and nip schedule?, etc.
Bonspiel registrations
Cathy to check with Hannah to see what can be done (flag of some kind) when a registrant checks off they have an allergy when registering for a bonspiel
19 confirmed sponsors. Only 1 decline
Jim has created a detailed process for following up on previous sponsors as well as for securing new sponsors (Attachment 4-6)
Jim will send out another communication asking for business ideas
Thomas brother’s recognition
Board considering a trophy or plaque that they can hang in their garage
Dianne to ask Dick if it should be in their name or the Rainbow Fund name
Kitchen & Caterers
Trays went missing after having caterers in the kitchen
Bill and Cathy will create a Kitchen Rules document that will be emailed to caterers.
Lounge Flooring
Lounge floor is in terrible condition.
Probably not enough time to replace floor now in time for the first draw
Decision made to wait until we receive Trillium grant results and then decide if we will replace the floor
Bill will arrange for the carpets to be cleaned
$375 was spent last year to clean the carpets
Basement Cleanup
Dianne to email Cathy asking her to arrange for final clean-up from S&T such as lobster pots and burners, preparation for the furnace installation
Ed will pull a team together to get the basement cleaned up
Dianne to ask Linda to create a September newsletter
Limestone screening donation from Bacher
Furnace replacement
Ironman revenue
Social Media update
Strategic Plan update
Investment in ice quality, and courses
Learn to Curl program
Flyer - increase membership
Dianne to send out a reminder to register in two weeks. Include the Goldline discount ordering process
Impacts of ONCA on the Board - November mtg
Joan taking an ONCA course
Make a decision on the club name - November mtg
Fall Bocce - 18 registrations to date
Social Media
Ahne beginning to work on website
2 Facebook accounts will be reduced to 1
Has started putting out communications
Setting up a Instagram account with our new BCBC name
Next meeting dates - Fall and winter 5:10-5:20
Oct 2 - 10:00am
Nov 6 - 10:00am
Dec 11 - 10:00am
Jan 8 - 10:00am
Feb 5 - 10:00am
Mar 4 - 10:00am
April 2 - 10:00am