Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting October 18, 2022
BCBC Board Meeting, October 18, 2022
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Cathy Hoare, Murray Turnour, Jim Rotz, Suzanne David, Joan Beaudry
Regrets: Dana Pearson
Special guest: Alan Bowen
Murray resignation
Murray resigned as Vice President as of today
Murray made two recommendations that the Board will take under consideration
When approaching a person for any Board position, clearly articulate what skills are required or what skills the person has that the Board needs
Provide an orientation session to any new Board member
This adds to the list of open positions we have which are as follows:
Vice President
Bar services
Ice Team leader
Financial update - Attachment 1 & 2
Joan spent two days moving all the financial data over to Quickbooks. (thank you Joan)
Action: Curling Canada has approved us for a $30K loan. Joan is waiting for the paperwork which will provide the interest rate before we decide which loan we will assume
Joan noted that the utilities budget may be underestimated based on current trends
Grandmasters and Masters budget assumes the fee of $20 per person is split between $15 for food and $5 for ice
$15 won't be spent so the remainder will go as revenue to the club
Membership fees cover approximately 50% of the cost to run the club.
This is a good message for Board members to share with club members
Joan advised that we are getting close to exceeding $50K in revenue. Once we exceed it, we will need to start the process of reporting, paying and claiming HST.
Practice First (PF) Attachment 3
PF has evolved to training for seasoned curlers
Learn to Curl has been introduced for new curlers
Michael and Alan will make a strong recommendation to new curlers to use a stick if there is a safety issue in delivering out of the hack. If the member does not want to use a stick, even after the strong recommendation has been made, and they believe there is a risk to the safety of the curler or to the club, then Alan or Michael will send the Board an email requesting guidance.
Going forward, Michael or Alan should attend the August Board meetings to present their plans including budget requirements
Michael and Alan requested a budget of $450 for 4 sticks and 2 stopwatches
Ed made a motion, Jim seconded to purchase 1 stopwatch and 3 sticks. Motion passed
2 Sureshots and 1 Goldline stick
Action: Ed will donate 1 Goldline stick for a total of 4 sticks
Murray will donate a stopwatch for a total of 2 stopwatches
Club provided grippers
Bill completed an inventory of the club provided grippers. Many of them are mouldy and worn out
Estimated budget of $200. Cost for each gripper is approx $15 with the Goldline discount
Action: Bill made a motion and Anna seconded to purchase new grippers. Motion passed
New basement cupboards need locks
Action: Ed will alert Dana
Membership Update
76 members have signed up
6 social members only
2 Practice First only members
1 2nd draw only member (so far - hope for more closer to year end)
17 1st draw only member (so far - hope they renew for 2nd draw)
8 Jitney 1st draw only members (so far - hope they renew for 2nd draw for Jitney or more)
42 Full Draw
11 members have signed up for Practice First - names have been provided to Michael & Alan
2 are PF only
8 for 1st draw only
1 for both draws
There may be additional drop ins
21 members have requested lockers - I still need to assign and communicate
6 members have identified their experience as New to Curling - names have been provided to Michael & Alan
During the online registration process, we didn't ask if the person was new to the club. This made it difficult to determine who was a new member. Going forward, this will be added to the registration process
Anna worked with Hugh and Cathy to create a list of 11 people based on their personal knowledge. These 11 names will be entered into the Goldline draw
Ann has ordered name tags for them.
Hugh and Cathy were instrumental in building the schedule. Thank you Hugh and Cathy
There is no Wednesday evening league. The few people who registered for Wednesday evening were asked to move to Thursday or Friday evening leagues
Friday night and Tuesday afternoon ladies have only 6 ends. We have at least one member who is not happy that they were not aware when they registered that the leagues were only playing 6 ends. The person also felt that, specifically for the ladies league, it will be detrimental in developing our lady's skills for bonspiels and interclub games.
Rationale for 6 ends included the fact that ladies league had only 6 ends last year
There was a vote taken regarding the preference for the number of ends and the majority chose 6
Cathy will take a poll again this year
Friday night has two draws which has historically been common and the ends are reduced to ensure people aren’t playing too late
We will consider adding a notation/alert to the registration process that Tuesday afternoon Ladies league and Friday evenings mixed have historically been 6 end games.
Consider a survey monkey poll at the end of the season to gauge member satisfaction regarding league days and times and number of ends
Getting ready for opening
Goldline discount
We are considered a distributor. We get a wholesale price when making bulk purchases. 25-30% discount
Action: We will open up purchases at the beginning of each season. Ed will develop an ordering process and send out a communication
Action: Dianne to revise AGM minutes to include the fact that ordering details will follow. Provide link to Goldline website
Goldline catalogues are being left at the club for people to review products
Basement clean-up
Action: Murray, Ed and Bill will cleanup tomorrow for opening
Action: Need a plan for cleaning and organizing the basement in general.
Check on new members vaccination status
Dianne made a motion to not check vaccination status but instead, rely on the declaration of compliance when they signed up. Jim seconded. Motion passed
Dehumidifier Update
Action: No update. Ed is escalating
Facebook access
Action: Dianne to investigate who has the ability to post on FaceBook. We believe it includes; Janet Prueter. Sylvain Desjeans and Brenda Turnour
Once we know who has access, provide them with a list of people who don’t want their image posted on our FaceBook page
Access to website
Action: Anna to contact Hannah to find out who has access to our Website and Square Space and with what functionality
Bonspiel Leaders
Marie Vanclieaf. Nov 12 - Cathy and committee
New Funspiel - Nov 25 & 26 - Michael and Lili Davis-Burchat
Hap & Alice/Royal Lepage January 14
Action: Cathy will ask Cathy Vanclieaf to lead
Action: Anna to ask Elaine Arbuckle if she wants to sponsor the bonspiel again this year
Bill has volunteered to be on the committee
New competitive womens. January 20 & 21 - Cathy and committee
TimberMart March 3 & 4 - Dean and committee
Sponsorships and how they pertain to Bonspiels
The dollars from a Bonspiel sponsorship will be directed specifically towards offsetting the actual bonspiel costs such as food and prizes. Any remaining dollars will be absorbed as revenue to the club
Best Practice sharing
Ed emphasized that we should capture best practices whenever we see them such as; Innovative communication methods/boards, different types of headgear, etc
These can be observed during Interclub games and bonspiels
Sponsorship logos on website
Action: Ed will work with Hannah to get our Sponsor's logos added to the Home page.
Consider moving the navigation tabs from the center and run the banners across there
League specific communications
League and project team specific communications can be sent by leaders
President and/or Secretary are the only people who can send or can “approve to be sent”, club wide communications
Action: Dianne to notify Micahel and Alan
Upcoming Board Communications (Action)
Horticulture society - Dianne
Music night - Ed
Goldline orders - Ed
Cleaning schedule - Bill to create and send to Dianne for circulation
Santa Claus Parade
Action: Dianne to contact bonspiel and events volunteers and ask organizers
Future Board meeting dates
Nov 1 (Board roles)
Nov 29
Dec 13
Jan 17
Feb 21
March 28
Deferred items
TD Bank credit card and debit. Consider moving to a local credit union
BCBC Board Roles and Responsibilities still to be completed
President, Vice President, Past President, Don’s miscellaneous items, Treasurer, Kitchen, Women’s league, Community Engagement
BCBC Non-Board Positions Roles and Responsibilities
Bonspiel Leader, Internal Communications, Fundraising Chair, Sponsorship Chair, Ice Team Leader, Mens league?
Baysville Santa Claus Parade - November 29
Create a plan to clean and organize the basement. November 29
Create league coordinators. Suggestion includes:
Monday Jitney - Joanne K
Monday Mens - Hugh
Tuesday Ladies - Cathy H
Wed afternoon mixed - Dianne
Thursday night - Suzanne
Friday night - Linda
Bonspiel dates and leaders
Marie Vanclieaf. Nov 12 - Cathy
New Funspiel - Nov 25 & 26 - Michael and Lili Davis-Burchat
Hap & Alice - January 14 - need a leader
Bill has volunteered to be on the committee
New competitive womens. January 20 & 21 - Cathy and committee
TimberMart March 3 & 4 - Dean and committee
2023 Surf and Turf - January 17
Potential legal name change and email address changes - February 23
Potential Horseshoe league - March 28