Practice First: A Workshop

Contact Alan C. Bowen

Instructors Alan C. Bowen
Michael Davis-Burchat

Time Sat 10:00—12:00 during both draws in a season
But please check the Club Calendar for specific days.

Practice First is a workshop that provides curlers the opportunity to increase their confidence and to develop a finer understanding of the skills that make gameplay exciting. It is open to all members of the Club. Beginners, including graduates of the Learn to Curl Program, are especially welcome.

Each Saturday, PF will proceed in two parts. The first part (60 min.) will involve repetitive drills focusing on a single skill such as controlling weight for  a t-line shot or a hit and roll, placing a guard, and drawing behind a guard. In the second (60 min.), we will competitively rehearse key moments of league play with coaching as needed or requested. The actual format of play will depend on the numbers in attendance.

PF Library
Target line issues (Slide delivery)
Teamwork (Communication)
Judging the ice (Stopwatch)
How to line up takeouts
Rock Rotation
Weight by the Numbers