Baysville Curling & Bocce Club Strategic Planning Meeting May 4, 2023
Baysville Curling & Bocce Club
Strategic Planning Meeting
May 4, 2023
President Ed Mathany
Vice-President Jim Rotz
Treasurer Joan Beaudry
Secretary Dianne Jones
Woman’s Curling / Kitchen Cathy Hoare
Health & Safety Bill Rowlands
Membership Anna Landry
Community Outreach Suzanne David
Ray Thompson External Facilitator
Opening Comments
Many thanks to Suzanne and Ray
Challenges over the last few years; Covid, loss of Presidents and their knowledge plus the dehumidifier replacement
Fortunate to have a strong talented Board. Many skill sets
Great set of core volunteers
2022/2023 was a financial success.
Currently have sizable liabilities. Not seen since 2010
Survey gave us great insights (Attachment 1)
Today everyone should:
Have an open mind and listen to other points of view
Be respectful of members point of view as well as each other
Create a great general framework
Commit to a great day
Discussion on how we work together for today's meeting:
Ray’s role is to help us work through the day. Keep us on track
Ray reviewed the Mission Statement (Attachment 2)
Members felt that Statement represented us well
Proceeded to work through the SWOT Analysis (Attachment 3)
SWOT Analysis Action Lists
Action List #1
Continue to offer subsidy when required
Marketing Positioning - Curling/Members/Profile
Fine tuning
Anna will speak with Cathy V about partnering on a booth at the walkabout
Cathy H will research a postal flyer
Jim to meet with Township to discuss opportunities
Create marketing video and get quotes from spokespeople to be posted on the website
Bocce Position/Investment
Expand Facility Use - Community/Social/Competition of other facilities
Revenue Generating Strategy (non-membership fees)
Non-members outreach
Action List #2
Communication - requires a plan
Welcome back event
Cocktail - no tables and chairs
Consider a mentoring program
Set expectations of volunteer hours required?
Mass communications don’t work
Learn To Curl
Need to create a formal program
Track conversion rate from LTC to regular membership?
Need to train a few more people through Curl On
Ice Making
Water quality - Filter is a $1K investment, $1.5K ongoing
Hire an Ice Maker
Boot cleaner is $3K
Front entrance cleanup
Take boots off at entrance
Perhaps a district grant?
Membership Demographics and Growth
Junior program
Under 40 league
Include babysitting
Social league
Consider a pilot - once a month?
Create a demographics grid
Local vs transplants
Protect volunteer burnout
Conduct a talent pool and fill open Director positions
Action List #3
Need to create a prioritized/integrated list of capital requirements
Board felt that there was
Room to Grow Membership
Room to Improve Fundraising
Both of the above reduces pressure on volunteers
"Vision for the Club' discussion
Majority of the board members want to keep the club as a curling and bocce club
Other members want to expand the offerings and grow the mandate of the club
Based on the above action list, the following 6 priorities were created:
6 Strategic Priorities
Ice Quality - Ed
Learn To Curl Program - Bill
Market Positioning - Jim
Revenue Generating Strategy - TBD
Fee structure and offerings - Anna
Communication Strategy - TBD
Determine Timelines / Next Steps
Communication to Members - Dianne prime
Thank you for completing the surveys
50 people completed
Based on feedback, these are the top 6 priorities
Looking for Leaders for these as well as Rentals and Bar
Strategic planning follow-up will be a regular Board meeting agenda item