Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, January 14, 2025 and Board Meeting by Zoom on January 30, 2025

Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, January 14, 2025 and Board Meeting by Zoom on January 30, 2025

Attendees Jan 14, 2025: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom, Scott Crosby

Regrets: Bert Vanderhulst

Attendees Jan 30, 2025: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom, Scott Crosby, Bert Vanderhulst

Scott was welcomed to the Board.

  1. Financial Review (Joan) and This Year’s Trillium Grant – (Joan and Greg)

    • General: Joan provided a comparative Statement of Financial Position and the Profit and Loss vs. Actual Statement and added the following comments:

      • GIC renewed at 3% until April 13, 2025, fully cashable

      • one outstanding sponsor payment – Hidden Valley

      • $6,814 loan payment due March 31, 2025

      • $1,399 National Sports Fund cheque received. Our participation has been extended until Dec 2025.

      • Have a progress report with Trillium Foundation and expect to receive $9,200.

      • Joan has purchased QuickBooks on line and is working to transition to this program (from the version that Joan had been using).

      • Pam Bowen has been registered as a signing authority on the bank account.

    • Trillium Grant: Joan noted that if we are to apply again for a Trillium Grant we will need another financial review by Kriens-Larose LLP. Grants are to be applied for by March 2025. That is, due to our gross income being over $100,000 for both last year and this year, we are required to have an outside review done of our books if we want to apply. Cost last time was around $2,000. A review is also required under the Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act. Ed moved to add this to the budget. Scott seconded. All in favour.

      Subsequent to the meeting it was determined that due to timing differences between the ONCA requirement and what review is required for the Grant submission, the review for the Grant would be an extra cost. It was also determined that the fee from Kriens-Larose LLP would be $2,600 plus HST. This higher cost and the past lack of success caused the Board to reconsider the point after the meeting. Input was received from Suzanne David and the Board conveyed a Zoom meeting on January 30, 2025 where the following was discussed:

      • Suzanne David located an accounting firm that was on the Trillium Grant approved list that could do the work for an estimated $1,000 plus HST, a material reduction.

      • The focus of the Trillium Grant this year was to prolong the life of the building (and not accessibility as in the past).

      • It was felt we would be at a disadvantage if we took a pause and did not apply this year.

      Based on the above it was moved by Scott and seconded by Ed to approve the cost of the required financial review and proceed with the Grant application. All voted in favour.

      • Electrical upgrade $18,000

      • Washroom upgrades $20,000 to $30,000

      • Kitchen stove and tables $3,000

      • New external doors $5,000 to $6,000

      • Related carpentry work $9,000 to $10,000

      Greg then discussed the approach and the estimated costs, being:
      It was agreed the kitchen work would be removed and moved to next year’s operating budget. The stove was required and the timing and uncertainty of Grant money made relying on the Grant difficult given current needs. Also, removing it from the Grant application made the application more streamlined and lowered the requested amount - both hopefully increasing chances of success.

      The Board authorized Greg and Joan to proceed with the Grant application on that basis with Suzanne.

      Other capital items would be discussed at the strategic session.

  2. Trillium Communities Resilient Communities Grant Expenditures Update – Greg

    • AODA assessment $7,500. No further update. Heather Gibbons, the AODA qualified architect has charged $650 so far. Further accessibility planning will serve us well for future grants and the engagement will therefore continue. To include second exit consideration and kitchen.

    • website upgrade and social media development and training $4,800.

      • Rich Pierce continues to work Curling Club Manager to set it up.

      • Ed to speak to Ahne on the social media aspect and who to train under this budget and what resources might be available.

    • facilitator fee $500 – The session is now scheduled and the facilitator has agreed to this fee amount.

    • learn to curl equipment $2,100. Equipment ordered and in place. Soe funds remain.

    • equipment and technology infrastructure $7,200.

      • TV and stand, purchased and in place. Cost of $1,287.99

      • Cottage Country and Audio and Visual will install this Thursday Jan 16. Paul will be on-site. Two cameras in the back houses, two monitors and two cameras outside for security (main entrance and side doors).

  3. TimberMart Bonspiel Update – Cathy, Bill and Joan

    Eight teams are registered, with three being local or partly local. There is one out of town on the waiting list.

  4. Bulletin Board for Curling Schedules / Bonspiel Scoreboard etc – Cathy

    Ed proposed to invest in a smaller board for upstairs. Perhaps one of the existing ones will work.

    Perhaps TimberMart can be hung on permanent hooks. That could be used for other things as well.

  5. Registration Fees – Cathy
    Cathy suggested we consider a one time a week curling rate for next year. Can also consider a spare category for people that do not want to commit fully.

    The Board will further consider this point.

  6. New Exterior Signage Update – Scott
    Scott met with Sublime Graphics on site. Sublime has various proposals for front and back. Given colours of the building and our lettering, simple letters on the wall will not work. Scott has asked for a complete quote.

  7. Strategic Review
    Confirmed date change to Wednesday April 23, 2025

    We currently have the following Agenda items.

    1. Sponsorship policy.

    2. Membership categories and structure, including spare policy.

    3. Capital priorities. See potential budget items below. It would be useful to have some estimate for each items.

    Greg will put some structure to the Sponsorship and Membership items and be the internal lead for those. Ed to do the same with the Capital projects category.

    Greg discussed the Huntsville Curling Club deal with Canvas Brewery to give some background to our thoughts.

  8. Next Meetings

    Thursday Feb 13, 2025

    Thursday March 6, 2025

    Thursday April 10, 2025

    AGM date Saturday April 12, 2025 5 pm.

    Strategic Review Meeting: Wednesday April 23, 2025

  9. Other Business

    Ed announced that he would step down as President as of the next AGM. The Board expressed its appreciation for all Ed did and indicated it would take him up on his offer to continue to be involved.

    Ed’s email to the Board that was, with his consent, send to all members is attached.

    Subsequent to the meeting the Board reviewed the By-law in respect of nominations. Our by-laws provide that to fill an open position the Board may appoint a nominating to committee to solicit and receive nominations. The nominating committee may include Board members and other members. If the Board does not appoint a committee, then the Board as a whole will have that duty.

    Members of the Board were consulted and it was proposed that we would go with a four person nominating committee of Cathy and Bill from the Board and Anna Landry and Michael Davies- Burchat. Moved by Scott, approved by Bert. Cathy and Bill excluded from the vote. Approved by all others.

  10. Adjournment

Items for strategic planning meeting:

  1. Sponsorship policy.

  2. Membership categories, including spare policy.

Items for future meetings:

New Stove approved for 2025 Budget. Other 2025 Budget items to discuss –Fence. Electrical panel upgrade for microwave. Air-conditioning for the lounge. Paving or crushed granite to help with keeping dirt outside the club.

Appendix – Ed Mathany email of January 14, 2025 to the Board that was, at his request, send to all members.

Dear Board Members,

I am formally advising the club Board that I will be stepping down from the club President role as at the Annual General Meeting on April 12th. It is with very mixed emotions that I announce this decision. I have greatly enjoyed being a part of the club leadership over the past four years, and am very proud of what has been accomplished by the fantastic group of club members. When I retired, I set a number of objectives that I wanted to accomplish. While I have accomplished a few items on that list - including getting involved in the community of Baysville - there are other goals that I am not finding the time to attend to.

I would like to remain involved in the club in some manner - although not as a member of the Board. One thought I have is for me to assist with certain special projects, but I will leave that up to the Board to consider.

I believe that the club has a very strong Board, and is well positioned to continue to succeed going forward.

It has been my true pleasure to work with the members of this Board, and I wish you all the best going forward.


Ed Mathany

President - Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club

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