Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting September 12th
Lake of Bays Curling & Bocce Club Board Meeting, September 12, 2024
Attendees: Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Bill Rowlands, Cathy Hoare, Greg McKenzie, Susan Bloom, Bert Vanderhulst
Financial Review - Joan
Joan reviewed the comparative Statement of Financial Position and the Profit and Loss vs. Actual Statement as provided. In particular it was noted:
- Items are generally on target.
- Membership fees are coming in.
- Final Township loan repayment is at the end of the month.
- Last installment of taxes is also due.
- Insurance quote shows a 5% increase. Joan is discussing options with the insurer to see if any savings are available.
- GIC can continue.
- Our Bank has advised that our account will no longer allow cheques to be written. Ed and Joan are discussing etransfer fees with the Bank.
Cathy has looked at induction (bake/convection) stoves at Home Depot – approx. $2,000. Could apply for some discount from Home Depot. Cathy will continue to explore. Ed to discuss with Jim in respect to Home Hardware sponsor.
Membership Update – Greg
Greg acknowledged the tremendous amount of work that Kim Pierce has done on this.
As of yesterday 18 total members of which 9 are full time.
Last year we had 48 full time members total.
An email to describe the Open league and the under 45 category was proposed. Bill to draft and send.
A targeted email to selected under 45s was also proposed. Cathy and Ed to pursue.
Some notices have been distributed and Cathy is doing more.
Cathy to see about library newsletter.
Sponsorship Update – Greg
Greg acknowledged the great work that Jim and Dean have done as well as Pamela’s assistance.
Over 30 sponsors have been reached out to. 11 have committed and paid. Others are in process. Follow up is being undertaken with others.
Lake of Bays Brewery sponsorship was discussed, including a new house decal. The house decal was reviewed and will be proceeded with.
Bacher Construction has agreed to sponsor the bocce courts. A sign acknowledgement will be provided. Greg is pursuing this.
Trillium Communities Resilient Communities Grant Expenditures Update – Greg and others
AODA assessment $7,500. Heather Gibbons, the AODA qualified architect has charged $650 so far. Further accessibility planning will serve us well for future grants and the engagement will therefore continue. To include second exit consideration and kitchen.
website upgrade and social media development and training $4,800.
- Rich Pierce is working with a view to using Curling Club Manager program. Cost is $500 per year. Ed moved and Bert seconded that we move forward with Curling Club Manager and to use Sorethumb to assist in the setting up (estimated Sorethumb fee at $2,100). Target is second draw registration. Thereafter it is anticipated to continue to use Sorethumb to support us.
- Ed to speak to Ahne on the social media aspect and who to train under this budget and what resources might be available.
facilitator fee $500 – At a prior meeting it was agreed we will do that next May.
learn to curl equipment $2,100. List settled at last meeting. Ed is pursuing the Goldline purchases. Bill to purchase other items
equipment and technology infrastructure $7,200.
- TV and stand, Ed to follow up.
- Greg is speaking to Muskoka audio for two cameras and two or four monitors.
Operations Update – Bert
Dehumidifier noise reduction plan. Bert has reviewed with Terry. Terry will have Wolseley HVAC make a manifold. Given discussions with the neighbour, this is a priority.
Bert will discuss an internal distribution duct with Terry – Wolsely may be engaged.
A timer to have the dehumidifier go off for games for a period is also proposed.
Outside waterproofing is complete. Lid to be added. Bert will also do some landscaping.
Ed and Bert will co-ordinate an internal work party for Monday September 16, 2024.
We are still waiting on District requirement for backflow requirements.
Stinson now has the parts for the electrical upgrade. Now waiting for Hydro One.
Some ceiling tiles from the Community Centre may be available to replace damaged ones in the basement.
Ice Installation Update - Ed
CurlOn visit (Brian Wilson) occurred on August 15, 2024 with Dean, Bert, Len and Bill. Dean has prepared a summary. We are waiting on some further information on the sand and pipes. There will be a further visit from Brian.
Compressors will start September 24, 2024. Ice preparation to start September 26, 2024 for a 12 day period. Target October 7, 2024 for completion. Painting will be October 4, 2024
Foot Traffic Flow for the Club – Joan
Joan suggested using the second staircase as the primary access to the lounge
after putting on curling / outside show. Need lighting to be added to second staircase.
Set in place as a trial for the first draw. Joan to map it out. Decorating committee will be asked to make some signage.
New Logo / Graphic Design Support – Ed
Waiting for Sublime to come back with two or three options. Joan and Greg will make a recommendation to the Board.
Most design support can be done internally. Sublime has offered support at $75 hour that we can use if and when required.
Fund Raising Events – Ed
Key events / dates
October 16, 2024 trivia night.
May 3, 2025 Cabaret Night.
November 2, 2024 Taco and Margaritas – curling followed by tacos and drinks. Tentative.
2026 Ontario 55+ Winter Games – Cathy
Huntsville is putting in a bid for 55 plus winter games. We have agreed our curling sheets can be used, February 5 and 6, 2026. Volunteers will be needed. Some of the volunteer grant would be shared.
Winter Pantry – Ed
Ed has heard that the Fire Department porch pick ups go to Huntsville. Ed to check with Scott and Fred on this.
Other ideas on how we could help were discussed. Including a fund raiser.
Other Business
Opening Reception – October 5, 2024. Ed to check on the time. Agenda items would be welcome, brief financial review, sponsorship, volunteering (including open Board and Team leader positions).
Club preparation – clean up etc. Monday September 16, 2024.
Communication from the Board
Registration reminder including details on the new Open League, new under 45 and opening reception potluck.
Next Meetings
Tuesday October 8, 2024 at 9 am
Tuesday November 14, 2024 at 9 am
Tuesday December 5, 2024 at 9 am