Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting August 24, 2022
BCBC Board Meeting, August 24, 2022
Attendees: Sylvain Desjeans, Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare, Murray Turnour, Dana Pearson, Suzanne David
2022 / 2023 Budget Proposal - Attachments 1-3
Action: Joan will ensure that the LOB and CurlOn loans include a clause that says we can pay them off early without penalty
Loan and Promissory Note carrying costs will add an additional operating costs of $121 per person
Ed made a motion. Seconded by Sylvain and all were in favour for the following fee schedule:
$425 for a full season.
$250 for fall or winter draws only
$175 additional if fall member extends for the winter
Jitney will be $200 for full season or $100 per draw
Social member is $50 for the year
Practice First is $50 per draw
Locker $25 for the year
Membership communication needs to be sent.
Action: Dianne will create
Communication needs to include:
Impact of inflation as well as capital costs to support the increase
Members must be fully vaccinated
Competitive rates based on local benchmarking
Ontario Curling Association (OCA) membership benefit
Remind about Capital CurlOn donation
Joan will check out the LOBA rate for propane.Superior is the provider
Deposit has been paid
Lead time is 6 weeks
Target installation date is mid-October
Membership Drive:
Drive scheduled for September 24 from 11-3
CurlOn will be present with their booth/blow up simulator
A sub-committee has met to create the plan for the day
We will have tables where people can sign up
Ed will invite Michael for Practice First
Cathy will attend to promote Women’s league
Communication plan has been created. Target Dorset & Baysville areas
Suzanne to write the member communication
Open House under consideration in November
Ice Making
A leader is still required for the team
18 volunteers have been invited to the meeting on Monday to discuss putting the ice in
The next meeting will be regarding the weekly maintenance followed by a meeting regarding the daily upkeep
Action: CurlOn has been asked to provide training. Sylvain will follow-up
Don has left a binder with extensive instructions
2022/2023 calendar
Confirmed that Winter draw will end on March 10
Need a coordinator for Royal LePage and Timbermart bonspiels
Dianne will add to next months agenda
Change October 1 to an opening meeting
Due to covid concerns, we will offer Pizza and desert for $15 per person
Members must register by September 23
Will promote at Membership drive and on website
Elaine to plan a fundraiser
Communication schedule - Action
Vote results, Loan update and President resignation. Aug 25. Dianne has prepared.
Sylvain will email3 years of historical financials must be voted on as well as a new President. Aug 29.
Joan will prepareMembership fee communication Sept 3. Dianne to prepare
Opening meeting and registration reminder. Sept 9. Suzanne to prepare
Deferred items
TD Bank credit card and debit. Consider moving to a local credit union
Rowan’s Law
BCBC Board Roles and Responsibilities still to be completed
President, Past President, Vice President, Don’s miscellaneous items, Treasurer, Kitchen, Women’s league, Community Engagement, Bonspiel leader. Internal communications
Bonspiel primes/owners. September meeting
Next Meeting September 28