Executive Meeting February 20, 2018
Present: Don Evans (chair), Pamela Bowen, Janet & Bill Prueter, Suzanne Villeneuve, Keith Southey, Gerry McCall, Vicky Horvath (minutes)
Regrets: Pat VanGeytenbeek, Paul Russell, Bob Lacroix, Terry Kouyoumjian, Barb Finlayson,
Minutes from November 21, 2017 reviewed and accepted
Treasurer’s report: Paul
See report on website
Overall 10% higher in revenue than last year
Membership Report: Pamela
71 members which includes 9 social members
League Sections:
Feb 12, 2018 played Huntsville and won! Darlene, Joanne, Cathy H and Brenda)
Parry Sound / Muskoka are struggling with putting on a Bonspiel in terms of cost. Baysville CC has offered $50.00 to support and board has approved
Monday curling has improved greatly. A great opportunity for practice. 8-10 players average per week
Maintenance: Don
Flood in January 2018. Need reminders to turn water valve off before winter freeze. Don to make visuals as reminders.
Emergency furnace repair: Did not do annual check this year, but it needs to be done yearly. Don will add to annual maintenance list.
Terry looked at ice heaters, he will do spring maintenance.
Advertising: Don
Peter Craik purchased a 2 year plaque for the wall
Bill met with Andrea at Cast Iron and she requested both wall plaque and in-ice plaque and also requested to be advised as soon as tickets for Surf & Turf are available
Rentals: Don
Rentals have gone very well this year with several repeats. One last rental in March 2018.
Bar: Pat
Need red plastic glasses. Keith to pick up from Costco.
Kitchen: Barb
Sign-up sheet for TimbrMart Bonspiel posted at club.
Ice Maintenance:
At tankard, our ice making team talked to their ice making team to look at what else we can do to work on our ice
2 nd pebble being done (at different temperature with different head)
Rocks have been retextured
Discussion of how often to texture the rocks
New Business:
Men’s Spiel:
Prizes are done
$300.00 anonymous donor
12 teams are registered
Leaderboard being redone with new TimbRMart logo
New trophy
Club Wine:
Don believes that all stipulations are completed for AGCO and is awaiting final permission from them
88 bottles of each red and white
Don to post the alcohol content of the new wines in the bar
Annual Meeting and AGM:
Saturday April 7
Will plan club executive for next year
Club Rocks:
Trefor granite (from Wales) rocks with a blue hone inset, are the current rock of choice. Guaranteed for 25 years.
Handles can be changed out as well.
Don to put feelers out to the club with options for fundraising
Questioned how to cut people off when they’ve had too much (at Bonspiels)
Will post a sign in front of the bar
Next meeting: March 20, 2018 at 7 pm. Typically, 3 rd Tuesday of the month (not Dec and Jan) until March 2018.