Annual General Meeting: April 8, 2017
Present: 59 Members including executive
Welcome: Don E
This is the 65 th year of the curling club
Offered his thanks to the past executives, Vicky for taking minutes in Pam’s absence, and to Hugh and Bob (bartenders)
Special Guest: Pat V
Eric Spinks (OCA)
Huntsville has applied for the ONTARIO TANKARD (Ontario Men’s Championships) and were awarded it in July 2016
Organization has started and needs volunteers and sponsors. Volunteers pay $100 and received a golf shirt, jacket and passes to curling events in exchange for 1 x 6 hour shift. Can volunteer on the website
Goal is to make it a “Muskoka Event”
Held at the Summit Centre in Huntsville on Jan 30-Feb 4, 2018.
Pat V has volunteered to be the Baysville Curling Club rep
Treasurer’s Report: Paul R
See attached financial report
Actual net income of $3873.06 despite extra expenses (pest control, carpet, lighting, etc.)
Club is on solid financial footing for next year
Surf & Turf: Cathy V
Biggest fundraiser for the club
Held on June 24, 2017
Team Leaders have specific jobs for securing items for silent auction (Cathy, Andre, Suzanne and Dianne) from the club members.
Goals are to avoid duplications and to thank donors
List on club wall of previous donors- sign up as you can
Volunteers needed for kitchen, set up, take down, silent auction, etc. Please sign up on sheets posted at the club.
Ironman Fundraiser: Pat V
Sunday July 9, 2017 from 8:00 am to 12:30 pm
Manning the water station for bike race (between 1500 – 1800 cyclists)
Pass out water, gator aid, gel packs, etc.
Volunteers get a T shirt. Sign-up sheet passed around
Presidents Report: Don E
Thanks to sponsors of the club:
Elaine Arbuckle - Royal LePage - Hap & Alice mixed spiel
Marie Vanclieaf - Womens Spiel, the Marie Vanclieaf
Lake of Bays Brewery - various spiels and Grand Masters team
The Hamiltons - Dorset TimBr Mart - men's spiel
GP Capital Wealth - Masters team
Thanks to 20 new club members
Thanks to 6 ladies from Bracebridge that have joined the club. Especially Michelle and Karen who attended tonight
Thanks to Pat V for ice making consistency and adjustments made to the ice (scraping 2 x weekly, and adjustments to pebble, humidity and temperature)
Thanks to ice team who build the ice in September and October. It takes 1 month to build the ice
Thanks to the ice maintainers: Al F, Brent P, Don E, Len H, Dale V.
Thanks to the ice preppers who sweep, pebble and nip prior to each game
Thanks to Al F for being the membership coordinator for the past 9 years. He is stepping back to train a new membership coordinator. It is the first impression to the club and a very important role
Thanks to the drawmasters Bob L and Janet P. Bob has held this role for 24 years and is looking to step back. Janet will continue in her role (along with Barb A)
Thanks to Barb F for her role in the kitchen. Most important role only to the ice at this club. Great volunteers and great quality of food. Barb thanks all the kitchen volunteers
Thanks to Bill Preuter for taking on the role of advertising sponsor and ad recruiting. He is taking the role into a new direction (with Pam Bowen) of incorporating the sponsors into other opportunities within the club
Thanks to Brent P for ongoing maintenance to the club. He keeps it running. Terry K will step in and assume this role
Thanks to Gord for his role on updating social media and Facebook. Anyone can forward any material to Gord for posting
Thanks to all bartenders and to Pat V for maintaining the bar. Members can take Smart Serve course on line and club will reimburse the $38.00 fee.
Board to look at offering additional training to new and current members throughout the year. Darlene, Keith, Hugh and Al thanked as instructors
Rentals: 6 x ice rental and 2 x lounge rental this year. Provides additional income to club. Look at ways to increase the frequency of rentals. Gord to add to social media
Infra structure / Improvements to the club:
3 year project of changing the lighting on the ice. Will be completed next year
Carpet has been replaced
AED in the club (Bob). Don to organize first aid / cpr training
Rodent and fly control completed
Recertification from public health passed and valid for 6 months
Janet P thanked Don for all of his efforts as president on behalf of the club membership
Bocce update: Ruby Wheeler
36 full time members and 12 subs
Sign up at club
Starts June 22, 2017 with a meet and greet and June 29 with first game.
Cost is $ 20 per person if on a team and $10 per person if subbing
Bill P is working on funding applications for excavation and building of a 4 th court. Will be notified by end of April 2017.
Drawmaster Report: Bob L
Men’s Monday night:
Draw 1: Pat V, Dave T, Brent P & Paul R
Draw 2: Don S, Don E, Dick R & Warren J
Wed night mixed:
Draw 1: Cathy V, Dale V, Warren J & Dianne J
Draw 2: Anna L, Wayne D, Al B & Pam B (with subs Cathy & Len H)
Thurs night mixed:
Draw 1:Don S, Andre T, Ella Mae, R & Paul R
Draw 2: Darlene S, Keith S, Kristen J & Heather J
Fri night mixed:
Draw 1: Cathy V, Dale V, Liz A & Barb A
Draw 2: Bob L. Linda L, Liz A & Heather B
Nominations for new executive:
Additional nominees can be sent directly to Don E
See attached
New Business:
New vacuum cleaner to be purchased. Pam B is looking into this
Surf & Turf tickers can be purchased tonight only. If you want additional tickets, please email Pat V asap
Sand under ice needs to be added to. Work Party to be organized and requires volunteers, rakes, wheel barrows and sand to be ordered
Roof over club entrance is leaking and needs replacing. Work party to be organized and requires volunteers
Chimney is hanging off (from the ice melt) and needs replacing
Curling rocks in need of maintenance. Has not been done in 10 years and will increase the playability and longevity of rocks