Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting August 8, 2023
BCBC Board Meeting, August 8, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare
Regrets: Suzanne David, Dana Pearson
Guest: Fraser McTurk
Junior curling - Guest Fraser McTurk
Fraser has spoken to many families in the community regarding youth curling.
There seems to be an interest but they aren’t sure how to get involved
Cost is #1 issue, schedule is also an issue as families are so busy
He is proposing the following:
Family Curling Open house during first draw
3-4 hr open house for families
All ages welcome
Supervised by parents
Have to be 8+ yrs old to be able to go on the ice
First hr - throwing rocks
Second hr - pot luck
Third hr - modified family curling game
Have board games, cards and other games as well
Keep fees to a minimum/free
Target last two weeks of Nov or first week of Dec
Second draw (if first session is successful)
4 weekday or weekend evenings
First 3 weeks would be teaching and practicing skills
Last week would be a bonspiel
11+ in age
Additional ideas included:
Look for a sponsor
Township for youth sports grant
Decrease the ice size similar to Huntsville’s youth program
Borrow rocks from Gravenhurst
11yrs old and younger
Older than 11 they use the regular rocks
Kids should wear a helmet.
We would need to purchase grippers and sliders
Speak with Elaine Rowlands to get her ideas
Bill could create a waiver form which will include Rowans law
Consider having a first responder on site. Dean used to be a first responder and can get recertified
Fraser will pull a committee together and keep us updated through Cathy
Financials (Attachment 1, 2 & 3)
We received a donation from Riverfront Group of $20,361.00 - 90% of S&T proceeds
$1,800 from Ironman - $1,500cash + $300 in Visa cards that Joan bought from the club so now all cash is now in bank
Trillium grant request submitted in June. We won’t get the results until Oct
Kriens-Larose LLP created a set of statements acceptable by Trillium for grant.
Motion passed via email for the cost of $2,500 + HST was approved.
Final tax bill was received - $4710.00. Based on property value of $482,000.00
Consider investing $25K in 90 day GIC’s with a bank other than TD that pays a good return
Dianne received approval for the $5K budget item from Fundraising team
Port Cunnington (PC) Lodge
We have 2 / two 3 course Dinner for 2 two people left from Silent Auction
$140 value
Fundraising committee will raffle one off during bocce. If successful, they will raffle the second one
Dinner Theatre request from GM
Fundraising team would like to partner with PC Lodge to host a dinner theatre in 2024. Janet Preuter will speak with Ahne and Phil to see if they would like to be involved
Learn to Curl & PF update
Learn to Curl
Elaine and Leslie will host on Tuesday evenings beginning Nov 7. For seven weeks, six of instruction and a funspiel on the last day.
Depending on the numbers, they may like one other person to help out. That is in addition to the two of them and Bill. Need not be anyone qualified.
They encourage the board to advertise this. Including putting something Learn to Curl specific on the Baysville sign. Would cap it at 16 people but realistically do not see that as an issue.
Leslie, Elaine and Bill are meeting on Wed Oct 18, 2023.
Also Elaine has materials from Dave Rigby who did the Learn to Curl program at Huntsville.
Practice First
Michael and Alan created a proposal for two options for the program and 4 different pricing options
Board chose flat fee (in addition to membership fee)
Cost will be $60 per draw
Dianne will ask Michael and Alan for wording for the website.
Young adult curling
Reasons for holdback of 35-50 year olds
Finances don’t allow
Conflict with kids activities
Cost commitment
Possible solutions
Pick-up/Jitney evening with either a price discount for this group or pay what you can afford.
Earlier start - 6:30?
Kids in the lounge
Multi activity event or league where focus is not on curling ability but more on a social, fun, competitive time with off-ice games such as darts, euchre, board games with all scores tallied to make one score for the evening
More advertising prior to opening of registration
Cathy will speak to the group she has been speaking to and discuss next steps
Membership mail out planning - (Attachment 4)
Ed will ask Bill Allen to create the poster
Ed will get 400-500 copies made at Staples on coloured paper
Cathy and Anna to arrange the mailing
Target getting the mailout sent the day registration opens
Furnace update (Attachment 5)
Will have monitoring fee and 10 year propane commitment removed
Ed made
Rental Role replacement
Patti Smith
Bar Role replacement
Paul MacLennan
Sponsorship program (Attachment 6 & 7)
Jim to create a new team. He will approach the following to contact existing sponsors
Dale, Jean M, Linda L, Rhonda Duff, Dick Robinson and Pam bowing tracking.
Jim and Dean will contact new sponsors
Brine replacement progress - Ed
Arena behind the target date due to staffing issues
Current install date is late Sept.
Ice quality - Ed
Deferred to next meeting
League coordinators - Anna
Deferred to next meeting
Fire extinguisher update.
Our insurer provided us with an action notice requiring us to retain a qualified fire protection company to advise on, replace and annually monitor our fire extinguishers.
This would of course result in an initial cost and annual costs. At Jim's suggestion we asked the insurer if we could replace the existing extinguishers and inspect ourselves annually.
The insurer agreed and also identified a need for one more extinguisher in the electrical room.
Jim has purchased the kitchen specific extinguisher and ordered the other four from our sponsor Gravenhurst Home Building Centre. The total costs will be about $350 to $400, representing a big savings over what would have been spent if we had needed to retain a fire protection company.
Current communications - Dianne
Mid summer update
Surf and turf
Upcoming registration
Donation of limestone screening by Bacher
Next meeting - Tuesday Sept 5 at 3:00