Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting November 6th
BCBC Board Meeting, Nov 6, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Joan Beaudry, Cathy Hoare, Suzanne David, Bill Rowlands, Jim Rotz,
Regrets: Anna Landry, Dana Pearson
Financial status
GIC is renewing on Nov 19. If we renew, it will be extended until Feb 27
Ed, motioned to renew, Jim seconded. Motion passed
Brokerlink Insurance, recategorized us to a non-combustible arena.
Reducing insurance to $8,800 + tax = $9,555
Last year it was $8K. Increase is due to an increased valuation of $1.8M, vs $2.2M. This is a reconstructed valuation. (ie replacement cost).
Joan made a motion that going forward, only year end Financial Statements will be posted on the website. This is due to the fact that the financial position changes drastically throughout the year.Dianne seconded. Motion passed.
Practice First
Dianne made a motion on behalf of Alan and Michael to offer a Doubles clinic on Wednesday nights during the second draw.. Suzanne seconded. Motion passed
Board requested the name be changed to something more inclusive
Dianne made a motion to approve Alan’s and Michael’s request to purchase a camera that can also be utilized by LTC. In addition they would like to buy a second laser and a camera tripod. Total cost is $480 + tax. Ed seconded and Motion passed.
Camera $440
Camera tripod $20
Laser pointer $20
Emergency Action Plan (Attachments 1A & 1B)
Bill created the plan and associated documents. Board supported.
The documents will be posted on the website when plans are finalized
Action: Bill will send the floor plan to Ahne to see if she can make it look more professional
Age 30-50 group
Fraser would like the Open House during the second draw once our young adults children’s schedules are set. Cathy will let us know as soon as he provides the date
Kitchen/Catering rules document (Attachment 2)
Document title will be Kitchen Rules for Caterer’s and Rentals
Dishwasher will be used for rentals on a case by case basis
Action: This new document will be incorporated into the rental package
Action: The Rental Agreement will be updated to reflect the fact that utilizing our dishes is not part of the rental agreement, along with specific directions regarding the handling of dirty glasses
The Board agreed to replace the large baking tray that was lost earlier this year during the S&T
Sponsorship update
Pre-season new Sponsors
Port Cunnington & Bacher, both Contra placed at Silver level.
Assumed Vice President Baysville Curling email address,
Utilized to create legacy communication for Future Years.
Individual communications to 34 Sponsors,
Contacting 2022/2023 sponsor process began August 30
Many responded quickly in a positive manner.
Handover communication to Rhonda Duff (Bracebridge area) and Linda L. (Baysville) began later that week
Pam B. supported the team in a variety of areas.
Joan sent invoices to agreeing Sponsors and follow-up.
Dean and Joan updated the Master Sheet.
Added Company logos to Website,
Remove non returning & added new Sponsors
Dean managed existing and new Dorset area Sponsors key DTM, Royal Lepage, Masters Sponsor, etc.
We focused on new sponsors including LOB Township listing. Very little responses and no new Sponsors.
Not Returning;
First Alert [manager retired}, Budget Propane [switched business to Sarjeant], Inspire Coffee, Kawartha Credit Union, Knead Pizza [business model changing] Les Bell Insurance [business climate reality], Peter Craik Construction [business winding down] and Rocky Island Tire [sold business];
New Sponsors;
Modern Home Carpet One, Robinson General Store, Spectacles Vision, Sarjeant Fuels, Port Cunnington Lodge, Bacher Construction, Kal Tire, Matt & Steve’s, Dominion / Susie & Hidden Valley. LOB Brewery moved up to Silver. Price increases to legacy Sponsors implemented. Note Parry Sound Insurance paid for two years, including this season, last year.
2022/2023 Actual $10,375. Less Parry Sound LY Payment= $10,175, 2023/2024 Budget = $10,375.
2023/2024 Current = $9,653. Plus, Dominion, Hidden Valley = [$1,025) =$10,678 Plus PSI = $10,878.
Value of PCL, $2,900 Live Auction plus $325 x 2 =$3,570. Gross Total =$14,448 plus Bacher contribution.
To Do;
Remove non-returning, Install New Wall Signs, Double check Website. (JR and other for signage)
Add redirect from website from Sponsor logos to their site, (Suzanne).
Create and distribute Thank You Framed Awards. (Ahne, Jim, Dean, Pam, etc.)
Provide a summary of key learnings & recommendation for next season (Jim R. January Board meeting)
Action: Communicate importance as a revenue driver to members. Perhaps highlight the sponsors in the newsletter. - for example, “sponsor of the month”
Action: Jim will create a one pager to help members approach businesses for a sponsorship
Ice Quality Improvement Update
Jet Ice machine has been installed
Pebbling room was cleaned and organized
On demand water heater was installed
New “building entry” process will be implemented in the next few weeks. People will need to take off their shoes at the door. No outdoor shoes will be allowed.
Action: Boot cleaner still needs to be purchased
Action: Still need to buy a PH monitor
League Commissioners
Action: Thursday and Friday evenings need to be filled. Potential strategic external/marketing communications role and who would be the right prime
Club social media - Ahne will prime
Local social media - Ahne will prime
Open duties include:
Action: Baysville sign updates - Suzanne will ask Ahne
Local publication articles - New Marketing/ Public Relations/government relations prime (TBC)
Organize future participation in the Remembrance Day ceremony
Action: Board will create the role description and duties at Dec meeting as part of ONCA prework for January meeting.- 45 minutes
Brand discussion
Name of the club was unofficially changed from Baysville Curling Club to Baysville Curling and Bocce Club in 2021. This name was never registered/formalized. Before we do this, we need to decide if this will be our future name or whether we change our name to Lake of Bays Curling and Bocce Club which has been suggested and briefly discussed.
Will discuss in our January meeting - 30 minutes
Prioritize capital requirements (Attachments 3A&B)
Budget has $5K for Kitchen
Action: Suzanne will research dishwasher quotes
Action: Ed will update/finalize the draft spreadsheet he provided with items and categories to enable the Board to make decisions on priorities at Dec mtg.
Garden show fundraiser
Cathy presented the idea of holding a Garden Show in Baysville
Would be a fundraiser for the club
Previously held in Peterborough. Was very popular. Drew a big crowd
Cathy has all the working documents from the Peterborough event
Fundraising committee was supportive of the idea
Board had many concerns about the timing as it relates to S&T and the impact on volunteers time
Action: Ed and Cathy may meet with two people from the Horticulture society to discuss/vet the opportunity
Membership Update (Attachment 4)
Draw 1 we know the following:
Monday Men’s - we are short 2 curlers for 5 teams and therefore have 2 - 3 person teams.
Jitney has 18 sign ups with 5 of those are Jitney only
LTC has 12
Tuesday Women’s is all set with 5 teams
Wednesday afternoon is all set with 5 teams
Thursday evening is all set with 5 teams
Friday is all set with 4 teams
Still to do:
Print off schedules and put at club - will do today
Working with Hannah to get website up to date with schedules, spare list, member list
Working on releasing locker information to members
Sending out volunteer list to Board and leads
League focal points:
Hugh for Men’s
Joanne for Jitney
Cathy for Ladies
Cathy for Wed afternoon mixed
TBD for Thursday
TBD for Friday
League focal point responsibilities
Help with communication from club to league
Help with communication from league to club
Liaison, as needed, with Bar lead & Ice Lead
Ensure scoring is up to date
Ensure club is open for play & closed after
Ensure incident reports are completed as necessary
Decide and communicate if club is closed due to weather or other circumstances
Help with team development for draws
Grants (Attachments 5A - 5C)
Suzanne applied for a Resilient Communities Fund grant through the Ontario Trillium Foundation to assist BCBC in delivering the LTC and PF programs and sponsor program equipment expenses. Also applied for support to study the requirements for AODA compliance. Total grant application $35,000.
Benevity is a well-designed and informative accumulation platform to facilitate donor and sponsor organizations. Please see attached screen prints for the best explanations.
Today we were approved to be a member of the Cause Portal which lists groups seeking funding.
Two organizations, for example, CN and HydroOne, both use Benevity to streamline their grants process, maintain data, and simplify donor access to our grant-seeking organizations.
Membership fee analysis - Anna sent via email for Board information (Attachment 6)
Next meeting date: Monday Dec 11, 10:00am.
December meeting agenda items
ONCA pre work for Jan meeting
Classes of members, Number of executives, etc.
Review Operational and Capital requirements
January meeting agenda items - Strategic meeting only
ONCA - Need to finalize how we will be organized in the future
External/Marketing communications and Branding role description
If any operational items need to be discussed, schedule a brief call