Baysville Curling Club Board Meeting May 30, 2023
BCBC Board Meeting, May 30, 2023
Attendees: Dianne Jones, Ed Mathany, Bill Rowlands, Anna Landry, Joan Beaudry, Jim Rotz, Cathy Hoare, Dana Pearson
Regrets: Suzanne David,
Strong financial position
Investigate the opportunity to get a discount on our Property taxes. Ed and Jim will discuss with Brian at their next meeting
Joan made a virtual motion to have Kriens-Larose compile a financial report for the last fiscal period that is required when submitting a Trillium grant and can be used for other grant submissions, etc. Cost is $2,500.00. Dianne seconded. Motion passed.
Report and supporting documents are Attachments 1A-1E
Furnace Replacement
Furnace has been red tagged
We should get a carbon monoxide test
Check the written report from Sarjeant Fuels who red tagged the furnace
Project team consists of Dana, Joan, Ed and Terry
No chance to piggy back on the arena project
Ed spoke to Scott about propane vs oil -
Oil is a more comfortable heat
Propane is more expensive
Both produce carbon monoxide
ExcelAire quote for a replacement propane furnace is $25K
Tebby, Mike Duff, Barker Fuels and Lake Tasso are companies to contact for quotes
Consider buying equipment and installing ourselves
Ed will discuss with Terry
Consider electric and propane vs oil which we currently have
Ask insurance company if our premiums would reduce if we converted to propane
We need to install a carbon monoxide detector outside the furnace room
Once furnace is working, we need to get a regular serve contract in place
Programmable thermostat would be beneficial
Installation needs to be prior to Sept 1
Draft Calendar (Attachment 2A & 2B)
Friday night league gets canceled regularly for events so we will start Friday night early to ensure they get same number of curling dates
Feb 12 will be the Ladies interclub league
Add in the Marie Vanclieaf in November
Move the Hap an Alice from January to Dec 2
Brockbanks participation has been confirmed for Dec 2
Need someone to lead as Andre cannot lead this year
Consider an opening funspiel or open the club the week prior to league play for practice
Keep ice in until after March break for rentals
Finish Dec 20 and resume Jan 4
Consider Feb 24 (curling day in Canada) and/or March 9 for a funspiel
Open registration Sept 1 and close Sept 30
Hugh is the contact for Grand Masters and Dean for Masters
Anna will send our calendar to them and they will send to John Furner
Consider funspiels, practice first and learn to curl on Sundays
Draft membership pricing/options (Attachment 3)
Full membership $400 + HST and one draw is $230 + HST
Jitney $130+ HST for each draw
New members, (not curled with BCBC in 5 years) $100 off
Learn to Curl $100 + HST for 6 weeks
Social member price $50 + HST
Cathy to ask Tyler and Ashley and Suzie and Fraser, Scott and Sam and Danielle to form a committee and develop a recommendation for 35-50 age group curlers. Consider something inviting for that age group but not exclusive to that age group. Given they may want Vice’s and Skips
Practice First - Have Michael set price
2023-2024 budget
Cost of Brine/Glycol will be higher this year. Assuming $10K?
Ice improvement team costs such as Boot cleaner and ongoing jet ice needs to be incorporated
Need to budget for a new (used) dishwasher. Suzanne David may have some ideas as well as a new furnace
Insurance Loss Control Survey
Ed will continue to research
Any ideas from the insurance company that we implement will reduce our rates
Strat plan follow up
Train the Trainer clinic for Learn to Curl in Georgetown for Elaine. Bill will also attend
Practice First - Dianne to confirm with Micheal
Review survey results
Review results of strategic plan
Confirm his focus is experienced curlers
Don’t know what the transition is between LTC and PF
Name change for Practice First? Skill Development?
Ask Michael about calendar and pricing - Full draw vs drop in
Learn to Curl
Dianne to speak with Lesley
Review the same info as with Michael.
Notify her about new instructors - Elaine will instruct and Bill will support
Growing our membership
Fraser has offered to run an “Introduction to Curling” workshop for our younger demographic. Cathy will follow-up with him
There was some discussion about contacting other clubs to see if we can borrow their youth rocks
We will proceed with a mailout
Anna to look at old flyers
“Try Curling” will be the focus
Include other events
Anna and Bill will create key messages
Ed will ask Lynn and Bill to create
Bocce courts have been refurbished with crushed granite.
Granite and work to complete was donated
Ahne Crawford-Ridley volunteered to be the BCBC Social media prime and submitted a proposal for us to consider (Attachment 4)
Board supported her proposal and asked her to focus on combining the two Facebook pages and two instagram accounts. As well as keep the website updated
Upcoming communications
Need to update the members regarding the status of the furnace
Iron man - reminder to register to volunteer
Countdown to surf and turf. Have you bought your tickets yet and have you responded to your leader about your donation?
Bocce communication - Ed will send
Cathy Hoare research:
Canada Posts’ cost to send out a one page open ‘flyer’, like we all received for the Community Garage Sale, is .17 cents plus HST. Another 1 cent each to deliver all to our post office and have them deliver to Dorset and Dwight PO for distribution.
Baysville PO has 460 mailboxes for a total of $88.00, Dorset has 140 mailboxes for $27.00 and Dwight has 320 mailboxes for $62.00.
All of this together means we could reach 920 mailboxes for a total of $177.00.
Transporting fee to Dorset & Dwight would be additional 460 @ .01 cents = $5.20.
Plus cost of paper and printing.
If we went this route, flyers should probably be in mailboxes by Aug 15th which would give people time to think and ask any questions prior to registration.