Annual General Meeting Minutes and Presentation
AGM Meeting Minutes
Baysville Curling and Bocce Club
2023-24 Annual General Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2024
Your Board Members:
President Ed Mathany
Vice-President Jim Rotz
Treasurer Joan Beaudry
Secretary Dianne Jones
Woman’s Curling / Food Service Cathy Hoare
Health & Safety Bill Rowlands
Membership Anna Landry
Community Outreach Suzanne David
Special Event: Ontario Trillium Foundation - Suzanne David
Suzanne David completed the land acknowledgement and reviewed the agenda
Ontario Trillium Foundation grant announcement
Photo op break
Suzanne introduced herself as the MC for this part of the meeting.
She commented that we have a very busy club and went through some challenging times including the changes to the volunteers who comprise the Board of Directors. She mentioned that we have recovered from the “Cancel Culture” following Covid when everyone stayed home and that we’ve had almost every major piece of equipment replaced. She highlighted that even through all of that, we maintained a steady and evolving membership, our programs continued to grow, and community participation increased each year, demonstrating our resilience in challenging times.
Suzanne then went on to say that the Ontario Trillium Foundation also evolves with the needs of the community and recognizes the impact of those same challenges for organizations. The result was a grant category entitled Resilient Communities Funds.
Suzanne then introduced the Hon. Graydon Smith, MPP for Parry Sound-Muskoka
Graydon said that he took great pleasure in notifying the club that we were successful in receiving the $23.100 grant. He pointed out how he was active with multiple service clubs before getting into politics. He said that it led him to municipal politics and eventually provincial and that along the way, he had the opportunity to work with other volunteers and talk to people in different clubs. He said that growing up in the area, he knows how much organizations like this really matter to communities. He reflected that they are the heartbeat of the community. He recognized that the Trillium Foundation does great work and gets lots of applications; however this one stood out for its focus on accessibility and the Learn to Curl program. He stated that the Ontario government is very pleased to be able to support clubs and congratulated the Board for the great work they have done
Then Suzanne introduced Gord Haugh, Ontario Trillium Foundation volunteer
Gord stated that he is the Regional Advisor for the Trillium Foundation which is an agency of the Ontario Government. It is committed to building healthy communities in Ontario and has awarded more than 1000 grants this year
He said the Foundation recognized the struggle the club had with the cancellation of the annual Surf and Turf through Covid. He went on to mention that he is a past president of Gravenhurst Curling Club and therefore understands that equipment breaks
He is pleased that the grant can help improve our Learn To Curl program and make the club more accessible
Finally, he thanked BCBC for its contribution to Baysville
Suzanne then introduce Ed Mathany, President, Baysville Curling and Bocce Club
Ed provided a sincere thank-you for the award. He also made the following remarks;
It was very exciting for the club, and will allow us to significantly improve our training programs and assist with making the club accessible to all.
The “all volunteer” Baysville Curling & Bocce Club prides itself on having the lowest curling fees in Muskoka, making curling affordable for many in the community. Over the past couple of years, we have introduced a formal Learn to Curl program, strengthened our Practise First training program for experienced curlers and have actively marketed our Jitney program as a cost-effective way for many to give curling a try.
The club held four very successful bonspiels during this season, with curlers from other clubs participating in three of them.
We believe we have the only formal Bocce program in Muskoka. Participation in our summer league grew 25% last year over the previous summer, allowing us to offer a second night of play. As well, we have added a Fall Bocce league. All told, we had almost 100 players enjoying Bocce last year.
The club hosted eight social events for the community during the last year – including Music Nights, Trivia Nights, a Dinner Cabaret and a Scotch Nosing event complete with a piper.
As well, we host an annual Surf & Turf fundraising dinner, with over 160 people joining us for a fabulous evening.
We provide about 50 volunteers each summer to support the Iron Man competition. As well, we participate in the annual Baysville Santa Claus parade.
This has been accomplished with a fantastic group of volunteers who devote their time, energy, and often their own money to make this club a success.
As Suzanne referenced, we have certainly faced many challenges recently. We have a small membership base, and a building which is over 40 years old. All of the club’s financial resources were exhausted keeping the bills paid during Covid, and we had to rely on donations from the membership in order to reopen. Just as league play resumed, our 30 year-old dehumidified bit the dust. We immediately started fundraising for a replacement, raising $25,000 of the $60,000 cost. With support from the Township and Curling Ontario, we were able to borrow the balance, and remain operational. And it did not stop there. In the past year, we have replaced the furnace, the dishwasher, a unit heater in the Ice Rink, and repaired the other unit heater. As soon as the frost is out of the ground, we will begin work in repairing the foundation in the basement. We’re not quite sure what to expect. And as you can see by looking around, we are in the process of giving the lounge a facelift. A small group of volunteers has worked diligently to get the room ready for repainting and new flooring. We will be utilizing resources from Beaver Creek Institution for painting and the installation of the flooring.
With the funds from this grant award, we will be able to significantly upgrade our training programs. With the additional curling equipment, the Smart television, the computer and an enhanced website, will be able to provide state of the art training materials and programs for our members. As well, funds for an Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) study will assist us greatly in achieving our goal of providing greater accessibility to the club – enhancing participation from the community.
On behalf of the BCBC members, he thanked the Government of Ontario and the Ontario Trillium Foundation for this grant award, and thanked all the dignitaries for personally joining us to celebrate this event.
There was then a break in the meeting for photos
Annual General Meeting continued
Establishment of Quorum – Dianne Jones
a. Dianne stated that the club has 78 members and that a 25% Quorum equates to 20. We achieved more than a quorum with 39 voting members attending
Approval of 2023 AGM Minutes & 2024 Agenda – Ed Mathany
a. Bert Vanderhulst motioned to accept the 2023 AGM minutes. Hugh Knox seconded. Motion passed
Approval of 2023-24 Financials – Joan Beaudry
a. Joan began by thanking the board for reviewing the statements on a monthly basis. And thanked Kelly Priest, Lili Davis Burchat, and Pam Bowen for taking the time on Easter Monday to conduct a mini-audit of the books.
b. Joan referenced that the financial documents had been emailed prior to the meeting and hoped that everyone had had a chance to review. She stated that she was happy to report that the club had excess income over expenses this year of $15,000.
c. $5,800 of the full $23,100 grant is from the Trillium Foundation to date.
d. Joan gave a huge thank you to the corporate fundraising team who brought in $9,978 in sponsorship dollars. And another huge thank you to the fundraising team who has once again worked hard to net $8,124.
e. Joan also thanked the Riverfront Group who donated over $20,000 to the club.
f. Joan noted that the club cannot survive without all this fundraising because the curling and bocce fees only cover about 1/3 of our expenses. And she stressed that despite the club doing well financially we still have loans to repay on the amount of $26,000.
g. Joan then highlighted a few major expenses for this year:
i. We repaid ½ of the Lake of Bays loan for the dehumidifier the amount of $3950 plus $430 interest
ii. We repaid 1/5 of our CurlOn loan in the amount of $6000 plus $1036 in interest
iii. We purchased a new furnace in June at a cost of $6000
iv. We purchased a new industrial dishwasher to replace the old one at a cost of $6000
v. We paid for a new Jet Ice system to improve our ice quality and clarity at a cost of $4405
vi. One of the rink heaters was red-tagged and had to be replaced and the second unit repaired at a cost of $7000
vii. We bought new and used bar equipment this year which cost $540
viii. We trained club volunteers for ice maintenance, and food handling at a cost of $860
ix. We purchased $400 in new curling equipment
x. Our insurance costs increased by 11.8% to $9500
h. Joan also noted that the heating bills decreased! With a more efficient propane furnace and warmer winter temperatures our heating costs decreased by several thousand.
i. Joan then stated that despite all of these changes, we have been able to set-up a GIC, as noted on the statement of Financial position for $25,000 to be used as an emergency reserve and we currently have over $30,000 in the operating bank account.
j. Joan congratulated the club
k. Patti Smith motioned to accept the financial statements as reported. Marilyn Mathany seconded. Motion passed
Update on Strategic Plan – Ed Mathany
a. Ice Quality – very good progress made – big thanks to Ice Team and a special thanks to Dean for establishing a strong working relationship with Bracebridge Ice team
b. Learn to Curl Program – very successful effort – thanks to Elaine, Leslie, Bill, Jan & others
c. Market Positioning – good start with benchmarking (thanks Jim) – formal Board role proposed.
d. Revenue Generating Strategy – formal Board role proposed
e. Fee structure and offerings – ongoing – Jitney fees, LTC, PF fees positioned with market - thanks Anna
f. Communication Strategy – progress on Social Media (thanks Suzanne & Ahne)
– formal Board role proposed Communications - Social Media
Thank-you to Retiring Board Members – Ed Mathany
a. Ed commented on how strong the current Board has been. He introduced the returning Board members individually who then each thanked a Board member who were stepping down
i. Ed thanked Jim Rotz
ii. Bill thanked Dianne
iii. Joan thanked Suzanne
iv. Cathy thanked Anna
b. Jim thanked Ed for his leadership of the Board
Update to and Changes to Club Organization - Bill Rowlands
a. Bill provided the background on the three resolutions that were distributed a few weeks before the meeting. It was noted that these are required to be considered as a result of two distinct items.
i. First, in May 2021, the members of the Club authorized a change of name of the Club from Baysville Curling Club to Baysville Curling and Bocce Club with the complementary change to the objects (or purposes) of the Club from curling alone to curling and bocce.
ii. A non-profit’s name and objects must be set out in its constating documents filed with the Province.
iii. Due to the club’s financial circumstances the Board at that time decided not to register those changes.
iv. Second the Club needs to comply with the new Ontario Non-Profit Corporations Act (“ONCA”).
v. ONCA came into force in October 2021, with a three year period for non-profits to comply. So the Club has until this October to comply with ONCA and that includes having the proper name and objects in its government filing.
vi. Given the need to file under the proper name, this was seen by the current Board as the appropriate opportunity to consider rebranding.
b. Then Jim Rotz spoke about the proposed name change
i. He stated that this process provides us with the opportunity to consider the most optimal name for our Club.
ii. As has been communicated previously, the Board is recommending the Lake of Bays Curling and Bocce Club as it better reflects our actual membership base and will be beneficial to membership, sponsorship opportunities, media and Government relations
iii. It aligns with the name of the Arena beside the Club, the local Fire Department, Library and would be consistent with the goal in the Lake of Bays Township Parks, Open Space and Recreation Strategy of investing in the area as a community hub.
iv. Also, a significant Baysville business is called Lake of Bays Brewery, not the Baysville Brewery.
v. Lake of Bays is a strong ‘brand'.
vi. Lake of Bays is a larger area than Baysville and will assist us in attracting Business Sponsorship.
vii. The new name may assist with improving our profile and importance with Local, Provincial and Federal government entities and the Township staff who work for the Township of Lake of Bays.
viii. It may assist in attracting curling and bocce members outside of Baysville, broadening our appeal to all of the Lake of Bays population and surrounding communities.
c. Then Bill returned to the compliance issues and noted:
i. One of the ONCA requirements is to have a fully elected board.
ii. The Club’s current governing documents provide for the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer to be elected by members and with that Executive appointing the rest of the Board. This cannot continue.
iii. So that led the current Board to think more broadly about the board and organizational structure. Then Bill turned it over to Ed to discuss the new structure further
d. Ed Mathany spoke about the Organization change. He stated that:
i. The new organization chart had been shared with the members prior to the meeting
ii. The Board took this opportunity to create the new structure in an attempt to cover all the necessary activities required to run the club effectively
iii. The positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer remained largely unchanged
iv. Strategic Growth was a role focussed on ensuring optimal revenue growth. He highlighted that we changed the name from 'Revenue Generation' which was the title in the original organization chart that was shared
v. The Operations role is focused on maintaining the building and property, and ensuring that the Kitchen, Bar and Ice Maintenance equipment is maintained in a safe and operating status.
vi. The Curling & Bocce role is focussed primarily on all activities related to creating leagues and teams, scheduling the ice rink, and ensuring team leaders are in place for Bonspiels, Interclub play, LTC, PF and Bocce.
vii. The Marketing and Communications role focus on Social Media, the website, promotional activities and Brand Building.
viii. The Vice President's role oversees, Non-Revenue Events, and Special Projects and assists the Board in developing a Volunteer Recognition program and proposing potential candidates to fill open Board and Team Leader positions.
ix. He then stated that the following members had put their names forward for election to the following positions:
1. President - Ed Mathany
2. Secretary - Bill Rowlands
3. Treasurer - Joan Beaudry
4. Strategic Growth - Greg McKenzie
5. Operations - Bert Vanderhulst
6. Curling & Bocce - Cathy Hoare
7. Marketing and Communications - open
8. Vice President - Susie Bloom
x. He asked if there were any nominations for the role of Marketing & Communications. No names from the floor were put forward
xi. He then asked for any additional nominations. Again no one spoke up
e. Bill then spoke to the proposed Articles and By-laws
i. In addition to the name and objects, the government filings are now required to set out a non-profit’s member classes and voting rights. The Club’s current filings do not.
ii. On voting rights, bocce members currently have no voting rights except at bocce only meetings and are proposed to have a vote on matters that relate exclusively to bocce or that will have a material effect on the bocce programs.
iii. The Club also has to get its current by-law into conformity with ONCA. CurlOn issued a draft by-law template and the Board decided to base the new by-law on this – as have other clubs in the area.
iv. Many items from the Club’s current governing documents are brought forward, such as quorum requirements (25%), Board of Director terms
(2 years) and fiscal year (April 1, to March 31).
v. The change proposed to the financial limitation on the Board was noted. The current by-law requires any expenditure of $10,000 or more be approved by the members. Given the passage of time and recent inflation the proposal is to update this to $15,000.
f. Once these explanations we completed the motions to approve commenced
i. Linda Lacroix motioned to change the name “as written in the materials”. Bob Lacroix seconded. Motion passed
ii. Lili Davis-Burchat motioned to accept the Articles and Bylaws as written and proposed with the one change to the title of Director at Large Revenue Generation to Director at Large for Strategic Growth. Elaine Rowlands seconded. Motion passed
g. Suzanne commended the Board on the work done to get to this point.
h. Michael Davis Burchat made several comments and suggestions
i. He felt the new Board Organization chart made the work of the Board more visible
ii. He commented that he didn’t see anywhere in the Board design where the Spirit and Culture of the game was a focus. He suggested the Board look to see how to infuse the culture of the game into the priorities. He suggested we look at the culture of each of our leagues - for example, Wednesday afternoon vs Friday night
iii. He also suggested we look at how we get people moving past the glass ceiling of playing the positions of First and Second to Vice or Skip.
iv. His last comment was regarding what we do to prepare our people for the competitiveness and etiquette of a bonspiel
i. Dean Beaudry made a few follow-up supporting comments regarding the focus of curling etiquette and the importance of teaching it. For example, a player shouldn’t speak while someone is throwing. And a player should never cross in front of someone who is preparing to throw a rock
Election of Directors – Ed Mathany
a. Ed reviewed the proposed Board as follows:
i. Ed Mathany – President (another term)
ii. Joan Beaudry – Treasurer (another term)
iii. Bill Rowlands – Secretary (continuing on Board but in this different role)
iv. Susie Bloom – Vice-President
v. Cathy Hoare – Director at Large for Curling and Bocce (continuing on Board but in this different role)
vi. Bert Vanderhulst – Director at Large for Operations
vii. Greg McKenzie – Director at Large for Revenue Generation
b. John McInnis motioned to accept the Board as presented. Anna Landry seconded . Motion passed
a. Suzanne David motioned to adjourn. Dean seconded. Motion passed
Post Meeting (during dinner):
Year-In-Review (slide presentation on television)
Surf & Turf 2023 – Volunteers / Silent Auction – Cathy Vanclieaf
Cathy Vanclieaf stated that this is the largest fundraiser of the year
She listed the following committee volunteers
Cathy Vanclieaf - Chair
Lili Davis-Burchat - Co-Chair & Table seating
Cathy Hoare & Lesley van de Ven, - Kitchen
Dale Vanclieaf - Lobster
Dianne Jones - Secretary. beef order & ticket collection
Ahne Crawford-Ridley - Social Media
Bert Vanderhulst - Dish rentals, room setup and takedown
Jan and Bill Prueter - 50/50
Lorie Marsham - Draw bags
Peter Craik - Clean-up
Paul MacLennan & Patti Smith - Bar
Bruce Moss - BBQ
Dean Beaudry - Sound system
Kelly Priest - Donation Coordinator (with Dianne Jones support)
Elaine & Bill Rowlands - Silent Auction
Susie Bloom - Tickets and auctioneer
Ed Mathany - Volunteer list
Then Kelly Priest talked about the need for auction items and how the silent and live auctions are the foundation of the fundraiser
She gave examples of silent auction donations such as a service, craft, regifting something unused, etc
She also stressed the need for Live auction items such as sports tickets, golf foursomes, resorts packages, etc
She said that someone from the auction item committee will be contacting every member to request a donation
Summer Bocce – Ed Mathany
Starts last week of June on Wednesday and Thursday nights
Registration will open at the end of the month
Sunday July 7
40-50 volunteers required
The Rowlands will be hosting an after Party again this year
Michael Davis-Burchat will be taking over from Dean as the leader for this fundraiser effective this year
Elaine Rowlands announced that we have two upcoming fundraising.
Check out the BCBC website to get details and order tickets
Twig workshop, Wednesday April 24 - making window boxes
Cabaret Night, Saturday May 4